Page 137 of Worthy of Fate

“I’ll stay in your mind, but only to listen for your call when you need,”I said through my thoughts to her.

“Good,” she responded before turning away and following Nikan and Malina. Then, she became invisible.

I was genuinely surprised at their ability to remain unseen, I hadn’t even seen them as they crossed the open field between the trees and the wall. I only caught a glimpse of them as they climbed to the top. I sent shadows after them to provide extra cover, and they disappeared from sight to the other side.

Odarum had remained perfectly still as the hours passed. Pacing back and forth, I waited for her to return. Kya had remained silent the entire time, which I supposed was a good thing but it drove me mad having to just wait around while my mate was out there without me.

The moons had risen high in the sky, and I was growing impatient. It shouldn’t have taken that long. Just to ease my worry, I gave a slight tug on the bond, not wanting to distract her by speaking into her mind, just enough to portray my concern. A moment later, I felt a gentle caress across the shimmering tether, and I instantly felt better knowing that everything was fine. Her mind, as well as the bond, had remained calm and Isupposed I shouldn’t have been surprised. This was what she did. So I continued to wait.

Another hour passed, and I had kept my eyes on Bhara’s wall, searching for a glimpse of the Roav when I heard the snapping of a twig off to the side of me in the trees. I cast my shadows around me and Odarum, concealing us from anyone who might be near. It was then that I felt the bond settling as my mate emerged though the shadows with Malina next to her and Nikan behind them. Vicria unconscious over his shoulder, a diamond embedded in her sternum.

Nikan dropped Vicria on the ground and pulled Malina and Kya aside. He whispered to them for several minutes. When they finished discussing, Nikan strolled back into the darkness of the trees. Malina and Kya walked back to me. I tilted my head to the side and furrowed my brow when Kya looked at me.

“Nik’s going back to Ilrek so that he can continue his work with Eamon. Malina is coming back with us. Let’s get out of here.”

Chapter Forty-Seven


Once we made it back to Ryker and Odarum, with Vicria in tow, Ryker told Odarum to Travel us to a specific place just outside the Noavo station where Hakoa and four other warriors were waiting for us. No one spoke as we arrived. Ryker and Hakoa exchanged a nod before Ryker handed Vicria over to one of the warriors, and they all turned and walked toward the mountain.

“Where are they taking her?” Malina asked and I didn’t miss the slight glance that she shared with Hakoa before he and the other warriors left.

“Voltaryn,” Ryker answered.

“It’s real?”

Even with our extensive network, we had never been able to confirm the rumors of the prison within the Eckterre mountains. Prisons were forbidden. Hundreds of years ago, the council of Sages, Scholars, and the Worthy of the Nations voted to have them eradicated and opted for harsher punishments—either the Raith or the Nex. Both options removed the threat of the criminal. They would have their abilities removed, or they would face death. As harsh as it was, it was effective.

“It is real. The Noavo guard it and its occupants.”

“What’s the plan with the Sage then? Just hold her there forever?” Malina asked.

“Somewhat. But that’s not entirely what Voltaryn is for,” Ryker said.

“What else is it for?” I tilted my head to the side.


After leaving Vicria in the hands of Hakoa and the Noavo, we spent the next two weeks transcribing the dark book, which was proving to be more difficult than anticipated since the pronunciation was complicated. In the early mornings, I would freeze my ass off outside with Odarum, working on strengthening my wings to eventually be able to fly. Ryker would help also, when he had the chance, but mostly he had other tasks to take care of.

Malina and I would train in between stints of translating, keeping our bodies in shape and working on relying on her other senses while I was invisible to better herself and allowing me to practice with my magic. I had been able to increase the amount of time that I could use it, going longer and longer each time to build my endurance.

No new attacks had occurred since Vicria had been taken and that eased my worries but it didn’t feel right. Something was off, especially as I continued to learn more and more from the dark book. But until I could fully understand it, it was all we had to go off of, and we could breathe for a moment.

Odarum continued to push me to manifest his gift but to no avail. He would leave for hours or days and come back just to urge me to try harder. All he could tell me was that a presence had made itself known, and I needed to hurry. Which led me to wonder if the Sage wasn’t the end of it after all.

“Come in,” Ryker’s deep voice called out after I knocked on the door to his study. We had been busy all day and hadn’t seen each other since last night.

I pushed open the door to find Ryker behind his desk writing. The days were getting darker as winter approached, and the study was lit with warm hues from the sconces lining the walls. His hair was messy, like he had been running his hand through it over and over. The top buttons of his shirt were undone, and the sleeves were rolled up. His face was set in hard seriousness as he concentrated on his work. I closed the door and approached his desk when he glanced up at me.

The tension in his shoulders relaxed a bit, and he smiled wide enough to show his teeth. He stood and strolled over to me, grabbing my face and brushing his lips on my forehead.

“Do you have a moment? I hope I’m not interrupting.” I gestured to the desk behind him.

He waved it off. “Never. I’ll always have time for you. Have you had anything to eat yet?”

“No.” I shook my head. “I just got back from speaking with Odarum and I think Mal went to the city for the evening. She’s been going out almost every night after sitting with me all day.”