Page 125 of Worthy of Fate

I nodded and contemplated that information for a moment. Everything that Deres said matched what Eamon had heard as well. I needed to translate that book and figure out this dark magic.

“One last question, Deres.” He nodded for me to continue. “Did Rolim say how to control dark magic?”

If Vicria was somehow controlling it, she must have figured it out.Someonewas controlling it.

“No. Unfortunately, I never learned that either, if he did. But perhaps his work will tell you.”

Ryker and I stood to leave. My head was a jumbled mess of thoughts. I needed to go over Rolim’s notes and see if I could decipher the book myself. And I wanted to find that Sage. It was most logical to think of Vicria as the dark magic wielder. She knew about it. There was no other explanation. She needed to be stopped and now that I knew she was using magic, as a Sage, her life had a death sentence on it.

We thanked Deres and began to leave before he stopped us. “Kya,” he began. Standing to approach. “Hone your gifts. They were given to you for a reason.”

Chapter Forty-Three


After we returned from meeting with Deres, Ryker and I went up to meet with Malina and Nikan in one of the larger rooms on the upper floor. It was the palace’s own library, and while it wasn’t close to the extensive collection of Morah, it was still impressive.

Beautiful dark marble shelves extended from the floor all the way up to the high ceiling, filled with books from every subject you could think of. The center of the large room held several tables, one of which Malina and Nikan were leaning against, waiting for us to arrive with the dark book safely tucked under my arm. I sat down across from them and placed the book on the table.

“I will leave you to it then. I have a few things to take care of, but I will rejoin you when I can.” He leaned down and whispered next to my ear, “Will you eat with me later?”

“I’d like that,” I said with a smile.

Ryker walked out of the room, leaving the three of us alone in the library.

“Well it’s not home, but it has the same feel. Let’s get into it then.” Malina gestured to the book.

“Kya, what did the Sage say?” Nikan asked. “Did you learn anything useful that could help us?”

I sighed and rubbed my temple. “A lot.”

I proceeded to tell them of our conversation with Deres, before we dug through the book and poured over Rolim’s notes as best we could—most of which didn’t make sense.

“I don’t understand any of this,” Nikan mumbled after hours of reading over the note pages inserted into the book. He ran his hand through his hair and blew out a sharp breath. “Kya, I know you want to stay here, but doesn’t it make more sense if we take the book back to Morah and let the linguist Scholars sort through this? I mean, thisistheir area of expertise.” I looked up at him. “I’m not just saying that to get you to leave. Ryker can come too for all I care. But we’ve been at this for hours and neither of us even know what we’re looking for.”

“He’s right Kya,” Malina said with one of the pages in her hand. “Just look at his writing. It’s like he used both languages but didn’t explain what the words meant. Even the context doesn’t help.”

I knew they were right. It did make the most sense for us to use the best resources possible for something this important. No, I didn’t want to leave Ryker, but I wasn’t opposed to it if needed. Not if it meant that I would ultimately understand what the Glaev was and learn how to stop it. That was more important.

“Yeah, okay. Why don’t we take a break from this and meet up later to discuss. We can leave in the morning. I’ll talk to Odarum and see if he’s willing to Travel us back to Morah,” I offered, thankful for the break myself.

“Thank the Gods. My head is killing me. I need a hot bath. And tea. And sleep,” Malina whined.

“With the amount of ale you consumed last night, I’m surprised you’re able to stand at all,” Nikan said before we both busted out laughing at Malina’s suffering.

“You’re just jealous that I didn’t end up sleeping alone last night. Or that I barelysleptat all,” she crooned with a wink aimed at me.

“And exactly which of the dozens of males that were drunkenly drooling over you last night did you wind up going home with?” Nikan crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

I was silently enjoying the bickering, trying to bite back a humorous grin.

Malina tapped her fingers on the table in contemplation before she leaned in and whispered, “Let’s just say, I climbed a mountain last night—and I wasn’t disappointed when I reached the peak.”

I snorted a laugh. Nikan grimaced and shook his head before we both stood, the chair legs squeaking against the floor. Nikan and Malina left as I bent over the table and collected the papers, placing them back in their respective places in between the pages of the book, closing it and leaving the palace library.

“Are you near? I want to talk to you and I need to train.”I reached out to Odarum. I wanted to speak with him and see if he would take us back to Ilrek. And if I was being honest, I just missed his presence. He had been so absent recently.

“I will meet you at the training grounds outside the Oryn palace.”