Page 122 of Worthy of Fate

“Kya, we can’t,” he rasped. “I need you to stop because I can’t. I can’t stop myself. I want you too fucking badly.” Yet still, he continued to move.

“I don’t want to stop,” I whined, pleaded. His muscles tensed.

“I don’twantyou to stop. But Ineedyou to.” He pushed his cock against me hard and my breath hitched.

“I want to claim you.” Again.


“I want to bury myself inside you.” His head burrowed into the crook of my neck.


“I want you to bear the mark of our bond, to show the realms that you’re fucking mine—that you belong to me.” He licked up the column of my neck and brushed his lips over my jaw.

I wanted those lips in so many other places.

“I do belong to you,” I panted.

He raised his head and I could see the tendrils of his control drawn so taut, they were about to snap. His beautiful silver eyes begged for me to take the control he was so close to losing.

Something inside of me cracked and the back of my eyes stung. I stopped my movements.

What was wrong with me? I was endangering his people. His home.Him.

A tear slipped down my cheek. Ryker’s eyes tracked the drop before wiping it away, then rested his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, scraping for the remnants of my self-control and piecing it back together before opening them again.

He released my wrists and gently held my face in his hands as we gazed into each other’s eyes that spoke what our lips didn’t.I know.

We stayed like that for a long while, until the sun’s rays began to lighten the sky over the mountains, trying to fight the inevitable. He stroked my hair soothingly the entire time.

“I want to show you something.” His gravelly voice was quiet. “Will you come with me?”

“Yes,” I said with a small smile. “But I should probably dress first.”

He smiled back and got off the bed before extending a hand to help me up, holding it for a moment before letting go, and I made my way to the bathing room.


I turned back to face him and hummed a response.

He stared into my eyes. “You’re beautiful.”

Chapter Forty-Two


Ryker took me down to the bottom level of the palace. I hadn’t been to this part yet. The place was impeccable. Bright stone walls gave the space a warm feeling, so different from the darkened glass of Morah. And I loved it.

The open area of the hall was bustling with people, and I stopped to watch them. I had felt them when we arrived here, but I had assumed they would leave at some point. Families were gathered together, children playing on the floor next to piles of blankets and scarce belongings. Older fae sat on chairs, conversing with one another and telling exaggerated stories about great adventures. Tables lined one of the walls covered with food and pitchers of water.

They seemed content enough, but I could taste the mournfulness in the air. I could hear the weariness in their voices, smell their worry, feel their souls deflated and broken.

“Who are they?” I asked, still staring out at the people.

“Survivors.” His voice was filled with hurt. “They’re from Mirren, a town on the southeastern end of Oryn. Or at least it was. It was destroyed by the Glaev during the Trial, the one Vicria threatened about, and those that survived and had nowhere else to go camehere. ”

“But that was weeks ago. Why haven’t they had homes erected for them? Why do they stay here?” I didn’t understand. I had never expected that a Lord would allow the common fae to reside in his home.