Page 110 of Worthy of Fate

“I willnotrisk your safety.” His hand reached up as if to go for my throat, but he hesitated. My stomach fluttered and I didn’t know what made me step into his gentle grasp with acceptance.

“You have a duty to protect them,” I said firmly.

“I have a duty to protectyou.” His thumb grazed along my jaw before he dropped his hand to his side.

Conflict flickered in his eyes—bound to both me and his Nation, by the Gods. But I wouldn’t make him choose. His people came first, even if I had to be the one to do it.

“As evidenced, I don’t need your protection as much as they do. I can handle myself and when I can’t, Odarum will guard me as is his duty.” I lifted my chin.

“And that doesn’t ease my worries any less.” His words held a bite.

What would?

I leaned back from him and held his stare. “I’ll stay with you, by your side. But you will not relocate the refugees,” I commanded.

He stilled and I could see something swirling in his eyes before he gave a slow nod. I relaxed a little, feeling a small sense of triumph.

“Can you tell me what happened?” I asked as I looked into his ire filled eyes.

I reached for our bond, caressing it gently.

His breaths grew heavy and harsh. “You’ll have to ask Odarum for a firsthand account. But when I got back, I instantly felt something wrong with you. When I got to your room, water was pouring out from under the door.” His jaw clenched. “Odarum was standing there, on top of your attacker with a hoof buried in his chest. And you…” He squeezed my hand tightly. “You were laying on the floor unconscious, soaked and bleeding from your neck.”

My shadow came for me.

I didn’t move as he reached up and gently pressed his fingers to my throat, trailing them along the marks.

“I did that,” I whispered.

“I know.” His hand moved up to hold my face. His thumb brushed against my cheek. “I brought you here and got you dry and warm until you stopped shaking.”

“But then you left,” I whispered.

“I did.” He nodded slowly. “But Odarum stayed with you while I dealt with the male. He almost took you from me.”

“But he didn’t. What did you do to him?”

He hesitated for several moments, holding my gaze with a cold expression. “I had him taken to a cell while I was tendingto you. Then went down there and invaded his mind and found out who he was, how he got in here, and who sent him after you. Then I tore him apart, limb from limb. If any part of my control has ever snapped, it was then.”

“You didn’t come back.”

“I wasn’t sure that you would want me to.”

“Well, I wasn’t sure either, but now I am. It bothered me when I woke up alone.” Woke up withouthimthere. I wasn’t sure if it was just the bond pulling me to want to be with him, or something else…

Ryker’s mouth tilted up into a grin. “You want me to be near?” He stepped closer and his hand moved to the back of my neck.

Did I?

“Yes.” My immediate answer surprised me.

“Even when you’re upset with me?” He pressed his body even closer, nearly touching mine.

I tilted my head back to look up at him. “Yes,” I breathed.

“Alright, little gem.” He reached around to the small of my back and pulled me against him, my hands on his waist. I leaned into him. I hadn’t forgotten what he’d done—pushing me off the cliff—but I’d forgiven him.

His arm tightened around me. Our breathing quickened as he brought his face closer to mine. Heat began to settle in my lower belly and I bit my lip. He eyed the motion and his pupils dilated slightly. His lips parted. I wanted nothing more in that moment than to taste him. To feel his lips against mine, have our tongues clashing, teeth scraping.