Page 108 of Worthy of Fate

I brought them inside the bedchamber and told them everything. From flying to Dusan and what we found, to traveling here with Theron, to Ryker pushing me off the mountainside, and being attacked last night. I was happy that they were here, that I could have someone familiar to talk to. Even though I was used to being apart from them for long periods of time, having them near, having them listen to me, helped me sort all of the chaos in my head.

“He pushed you?” Nikan stood abruptly. Lividity seared from his eyes.

Of course that’s all he heard.

“Damn Kya. Are you okay? Who was it?” Malina asked with wide eyes.

“Yes, I’m fine. I don’t know who it was. I passed out after and only just woke up. And yes Nik, he did. But it was for a good reason. And he and Odarum were there the entire time. Neither would put me in harm’s way. I just had to think I was in real danger in order for my instincts to kick in and manifest my wings. And it worked.” I spoke calmly.

“Hepushedyou off a mountain, Kya. How are you okay with this? How are you okay withhim? He blatantly endangered you and he failed to protect you in his own home. Likely from someone who was trying to kill youbecauseyou’re with him.” He was shouting now, throwing his arms out.

“I wasn’t okay with it. I’m still not. I told him I needed a little space from him and the next thing he did was leave and bring you back. I’m okay with him because he’s my mate and he would never allow me to get hurt.” I understood his reservations about Ryker, and telling him about that didn’t help. Nikan needed to lash out and I would let him.

“Once again, you put yourself in overly risky situations with little regard for your own well-being.” He shook his head.

“Learning to shift my wings was not a risky situation, I had to figure it out sometime.” My voice was beginning to show my frustration.

“I wasn’t referring to that. I was referring tohim.” I could feel my blood boiling at his words. “Why can’t you see that he’s a danger to you? An entire Godsdamn panel is being held that could result in you losing all of your abilities and maybe even your life. He’s not worth it.”

My patience completely snapped then. “What would you have me do, Nik? Reject the gift the Gods have bestowed upon us? Deny the bond? You want me to come back to Morah so that you can constantly keep an eye on me?” I stood in front of him, staring him down. “Because that’s not fucking happening.”

“Kya, that is not—” Nikan began. But I wouldn’t let him finish.

“I don’t care who is threatening us. I don’t care if you, or the Sages, or the Worthy, or anyone approves. I will be with my mate if I choose to. It is our decision and I don’t want to hear another word about it. So either you support me in this, or you don’t. Are you going to help me or are you going to cut out and leave?” I wanted him to be with me in this, but if he couldn’t…

“Of course I am.” His shoulders dropped.

“Then instead of berating me, help me, helpus, figure out a way around this.” The air was tense in the silence, save for our heavy breaths. Then, Malina began cackling.

“What could possibly be funny at this moment?” Nikan asked.

“She just asked you for your help so she can bang her boyfriend.” Malina continued to laugh uncontrollably to the point that it became contagious. I couldn’t help but start chuckling. She wasn’t wrong. My light chuckle turned into a full-hearted laugh, and Nikan joined in with a snicker as well.

This was what I loved about being with them. No matter what, no matter how pissed or annoyed or frustrated we became with one another, no matter how dark things got, we somehow found joy with each other. Our laughter finally died down and Nikan was actually smiling—a rare occurrence.

“You sure you’re okay?” he asked, pointing to the fading red marks on my neck.

“Yeah. All good.”

“And you really have wings?” He looked over my shoulder as if they were hiding behind me.

“Uh huh. And they’re beautiful, just like Odarum’s but smaller. I practiced shifting them over and over last night and I think I have the hang of it now, thanks to Ryker. Do you want to see before we go track him down?”

They nodded eagerly, and I smiled broadly as I took off my shirt, leaving only my tank-top underneath.

“Okay, hold on and be quiet. I have to concentrate.” I closed my eyes. The first time it happened, I thought my body was tearing itself apart. But Ryker promised that the more I practiced, the less it would hurt.

After a minute or so, I felt the stinging pain of my wings protruding from my back. I opened my eyes after hearing gasps of awe from my brother and sister. I held my wings up and out to the sides for as long as I could—which was only a few moments—but they were incredibly heavy, and my back muscles weren’t strong enough to hold them up for long before they hung down to the floor.

“They’re stunning,” a deep voice rumbled behind me.

At the same moment that I felt him standing in the doorway, the scent of cedar and bergamot filled my nose.

“They’re heavy.” I slowly spun to face him.

“May I?” Ryker gestured to my wings, which were dragging on the floor.

I nodded, and he approached to stand directly in front of me. His fingers gently ran down the feathers to examine them, and I watched as he moved his hands to the underside, where he lifted both wings off the ground. I sighed in relief and Ryker’s eyes flicked to me.