Page 76 of Creation's Captive

I remember the path because my friends and I were the only ones on the ferry the last time I was on these waters. Conner charmed the summer student who was monitoring the cars. She let us exit Sarah’s car and go onto the second level, where we could watch humpback whales feeding around us.

East Coasters often looked at rules as more of a set of general guidelines. Their salty attitudes gained them a reputation for their rebellious natures. Maybe that rebellious nature has grown on me. This boat does mark my second theft in under a week.

I’m well on my way to getting my own Netflix true crime special.

After a few minutes of driving along the coast, I spot the ferry, though it looks tiny from where we are now. I don’t expect to see too many fishing boats on the water, as the major fishing season has yet to start, but I don’t want to take a chance. Besides, Leon said it would be harder for the forsaken to track me across the water, so best to stay as far from the mainland as possible.

Turning from the ferry and facing the open ocean, we drive through the water for well over fifteen minutes without seeing anything that looks like land ahead. Leonsits at the front of the boat, facing me rather than helping me look for land. His expression is schooled into boredom, but I see his smug look grow with every passing minute.

My cheeks flush.

Death at sea.

I might very well be willing to choose death at sea before giving in to Leon’s solution at this point. The bond flares at my irritation again, sending heat through me. Taking a deep inhale, I keep my eyes locked on the horizon. Leon cocks his eyebrow at me, no doubt sensing the bond trying to pull us closer again. He doesn’t make a move for me but smiles with the same stupid smug smile, knowing that some part of me is craving him.

Thankfully, before my temper can ignite at his expression, which would undoubtedly trigger the bond again, I spot land on the horizon.

Chapter 19

THE ISLAND IS SMALL, AND IT TAKES NO TIME FOR ME TO FIND THEsame beach I visited the last time I was here. The tide is up, so I drive the boat as far up the sandy beach as possible. The boat doesn’t weigh much, so I get us pretty close to shore. There’s only a couple of feet of water below us now.

I’m impressed with myself, but Mr. Broody Pants doesn’t say a word.

Jumping off the boat, Leon and I wordlessly pull it into shore. We hide it behind some tall grass.

I’m still not in the mood to speak to him, but I’m feeling guilty over all the bickering we’ve been doing. Is Leon irked because I refuse to uncollar him? Or is it because I keep making decisions without him?

“Did you want to pick the house?” I ask.

I was heading for the same house my friends and I stayed at, but I’m trying to extend the olive branch. Leon and I need to work together, bond or no bond, and I want us to succeed. No good can come out of constantly being at odds. Not when there’s so much at stake.

I make a mental note to be more – I struggle to find a word that doesn’t make my stomach hurt.



Leon eyes the houses that dot the rocky shores. Many are dilapidated with broken windows and caved-in roofs, but others have been somewhat maintained to keep the tourist dollars flowing. He nods to a house at the island's far end, situated on a large outcrop that looks to the water.

“That one.” He notes.

I consider his choice as we make our way towards it. The house is surrounded by water on three sides, with steep rocky cliffs that lead to the open ocean.

I can see the appeal from Leon’s perspective. We’ll be able to see almost the entire island from here, but if we’re found, there’s nowhere to run. After Leon’s repeated comments about uncollaring him, maybe that’s the point. Still, I say nothing and follow him up to the house.

The house is in decent shape. The interior is locked in the 1970’s and shag rugs dot the worn wood floors. Kerosine lamps are spread around the house, and in one corner sits temptation incarnate – a wood stove.

I would love a fire right now. My lower half is still soaked from pulling the boat into shore. But a fire meanssmoke, and the last thing I want to do is draw attention to the island.

Leon walks around the house, scanning the windows and looking at every door before returning to the kitchen. “We can stay here for the day until I’m sure no one has followed us. Afterwards, I’ll apparate us to my holdings. We’ll be vulnerable there for a short while. I’ll need to re-establish the wards around it.”

I frown, a bit confused. “What are wards?”

Leon pulls a chair from the small dining nook and takes a seat. “Wards are protections. I haven’t lived in my home for thousands of years. It’s in the Otherworld, and I’ll be able to re-establish the wards even while wearing this.” His jaw ticks as he indicates to his collar. “It takes me a bit of time, so we have to make sure we are nowhere near where the forsaken can follow your energy signature when we do apparate there.”

I nod, leaning against the bright pink kitchen countertops. I’m just grateful his plan doesn’t include unleashed destructive power. That’s a nice change of pace.

Leon continues. “Once we’re at my holdings and you’re warded, the forsaken won’t be able to get to you. They won’t even be able to trace that your energy was ever near it. You’ll be safe there.”