Page 62 of Creation's Captive

I’d better get out of here quickly before he starts acting out again.

Sarah laughs. “Of course, you’re already done. And I’m just going to pretend you were busy with a man all night, and that’s what kept you today.”

I try not to blush, and Conner chokes on the coffee he’s just taken a swig of. “You keep telling yourself that,” I answer with a laugh I hope isn’t too panicked.

“Your friend is very perceptive. I like her.” Leon whispers.

The heat hits again, radiating down my bones.

Damn it.

Wasn’t once enough? How much will it take for this bond to calm the fuck down?

“Well, uhm, I’d better go. I’ve got some stuff I need to get done at home today,” I say quickly, trying to get out of the classroom before Leon fully triggers the bond again.

I almost make it.

“Wait!” Sarah calls. I stop just next to the door and force a smile. “We have no more classes together today, and I leave early tomorrow for home.”

That’s right, I realize. Fall break starts this Friday, and my friends also have Thursdays off. Since I have no more classes scheduled today, my break effectively begins now. “We won’t see each other for another week and a half.” Sarah finishes with a pout.

“Oh gosh, that’s true. I hope you have an amazing trip,” I respond, genuinely smiling now.

My throat gets itchy as I choke up a bit. I really hope I’ll survive whatever adventure is waiting for me. Otherwise, I’ll miss my friends.

Of course, that’s assuming you can still miss people while you’re dead. I lower my bag back down. I’m not leaving without saying a proper goodbye.

“Thanks!” Sarah answers brightly, her smile cutting through my intrusive thoughts. “I hope you have a great break too! I’ll see you when we get back. Please get into a lot of trouble while I’m gone!” She calls as she heads out of the door.

Isaac follows close behind her, waving at me. “Later, Viv’s!” He calls as he leaves the class.

Conner holds back, looking at me expectantly. He’s in dark jeans and a snug white T-shirt, the living embodiment of a fuckboy.

I give him my full attention, knowing that this conversation needs to happen. I don’t want to lead him on, and I’d rather rip off the band-aid now rather than let him get his hopes up over fall break. If I bruise his ego, he’ll have over a week to bolster it again with other women.

“I, uh, I like your dress. You look great in it.” Conner starts, eyeing me appreciatively and much more closely now that he’s directly in front of me.

I give him a small smile when Leon’s voice comes again, directly behind me, his breath tickling the hairs at the back of my neck. “Not the word I’d use. I think you look delicious.”

I blush.


I don’t want Conner to think I’m blushing at him.

“Thanks,” I answer as I shuffle one foot back, trying to step on one of Leon’s feet. No luck.

“Look, uh...” Conner starts.

“You missed,” Leon whispers again.

I feel my pulse starting to race.

Damn it, Leon.

The man cannot keep his mouth shut.

Conner continues, oblivious to my discomfort. “I was just wondering if you’d given any thought to what I said last night. Whether you’ll give me a shot?”