Page 23 of Creation's Captive

Still – there are some unavoidable classes. This morning’s modern history class is a prime example.

The class would be a bit more enjoyable if a psychopath didn’t teach it. Said psychopath is Dr. Richard Parnard, the man who specifically instructed the department to schedule his class and tutorial at the worst possible times.

This man wakes up before dawn to get a run in before Monday tutorials and even invites his students to join him.

Sweet, but absolutely insane.

The insanity of Dr. Parnard is why I’m just arriving to campus now, at 7:30 on a Monday morning, and am surrounded by the faces of my exhausted peers.

Slowly, very slowly, we shuffle into class, most of us still half-asleep. I’m pretty sure some of them still smell like alcohol.

I guess the kitchen parties ran into Sunday.

While this small college town is low on bars or clubs that usually draw in students, there is enough wacky Atlantic culture to keep any rowdy student full of alcohol and drunken fiddle music.

Not that I’m judging. I might not be big on parties, but I did my civic duty and was screeched in with the best of them.

The room is built as an auditorium, with two-person desks set up across the eight levels. The room’s right side has window seats facing a boardwalk and the ocean.

Before another student gets the same idea, I hurry up to my favourite spot in the back right-hand corner of the class. At least people-watching will help keep me awake.

A bang on the desk jolts me.

I’m greeted by the somewhat maniacal smile of my friend Sarah. Sarah is lean and athletic, with short-cropped brown hair framing her round, not-tired-looking face. While Sarah and I met in our first year, we only became friends well into the tail end of our second year.

That’s one fallback of having a double major – when you don’t share almost every class with the same group of people, it’s more challenging to make friends — especially if you happen to be introverted.

“Goooood morning, sunshine!” Sarah exclaims.

She’s holding a tray with four cups of coffee and hands me a cup. Her voice is bright and chipper, and I see a few students grabbing their heads closer to the front of the class to make the loud noise stop. Hangovers can be a bitch.

“You’re a lifesaver,” I answer, taking the cup and taking a long inhale of the sweet caffeine. “How did you know I needed this today?”

Sarah smirks, “I saw your chat icon last night, it said you were still online at 1 AM. Please tell me you were with a man.”

Sarah has a habit of checking in on my sex life. She likes to note that even a nun would be bored by my complete lack of dating.

I decide to shake things up. “As a matter of fact, I was! And he was sweet, sexy, thoughtful, and great in bed...”

Sarah cuts me off, rolling her eyes, “and completely fictional. Right? You were reading.”

She sees right through me. I laugh. “Guilty.”

Sarah turns to face me, making sure she has my undivided attention for the gospel she’s about to grace me with. “Vivian, you’re literally a knockout. If I had your ass, I’d be getting laid every night.”

Conner, another friend of ours, arrives just in time to hear Sarah’s comment. Without asking, he grabs a coffee from the tray and takes a seat in front of us, commenting as he does so, “Sarah, I’d gladly do you, even with your flat ass. The sass that comes out of those lips would make it more than worth my time.”

Sarah rolls her eyes. “Dream on, playboy.”

Sarah’s isn’t wrong. With his blond, sun-kissed hair, broad chest and winning smile, Conner is an incorrigible flirt and class A playboy. Luckily, he also happens to be funny and a somewhat decent human if you can get past the incessant sexual innuendos.

“Ahh, it’s okay, Sarah. We all know Vivian is my true love anyway. So, tell me, Viv – when are you going to let me show you what your sex books are all about?”

My cheeks heat, and I consider sinking into my chair out of sight.


It only took one time when I let my friends crash at my apartment after a night of drunken debauchery. After Sarah and I passed out on my bed, the guys, who were banished to the floor, decided to raid my bookshelves. They got a very explicit image of what I like to read.