Page 78 of Creation's Captive

Maybe we will end up staying here together after the mission. Crazier things have happened. For example, just a couple of days ago, I became in charge of the fate of humanity. So, I’m not quick to discount the impossible.

Besides, part of me worries he’s right. Maybe I am being crazy to continuously fight against something as unstoppable as fate. The insecurity winds around me, and won’t relent.

How would I even know what love is supposed to feel like?

Whatever is between us is probably better than I can ever expect to find. I need to stop being so obstinate. The man loves me more than anyone else ever has.

Maybe I’m just self-sabotaging.

Leon continues, oblivious to my spiralling. “I’ll build the wards if you want to go inside.”

Looking up at the castle, I only feel more unsure of myself. I don’t belong in a castle. I don’t deserve riches or power. “Could I watch?” I ask instead as I look back towards him.

Leon grins, genuinely pleased at my interest. “Sure.”

He takes my hand and together, we walk further out from the castle. Letting me go, Leon starts muttering a few words, and a white light comes from his hands,pouring into the ground. I follow as he starts to circle the property.

I can’t help but notice the energy isn’t his signature blue colour. “Leon…” I whisper, unsure of if I’m supposed to talk.

“Yes?” He answers, still slowly walking.

“How can you still use your energy, even with your collar on?” I ask.

Leon smiles again. “The collar binds my Destroyer’s energy. This power has been in my family for as long as I can remember. It’s enhanced by the Destroyer power, but the collar doesn’t stop it since it isn’t destruction. It’s the same reason I can apparate. It’s still magic, but not Destroyer magic.”

Interesting, so magic is potentially more common in this realm. Either that or Leon comes from a family of wizards. I glance up at the sky, hopeful to see an owl or two carrying letters.

No such luck.


Still, my curiosity is at an all-time high. “Could you tell me more about them? Your family. You keep saying you were chosen to be a Creator. How does that work?”

Leon turns back to the wards he’s building but doesn’t seem offset by my question. “My family were once wealthy nobles of Otherworld. My father was an architect to the council and had been tasked with helping design and build whatever it was they desired. When I came of age, I joined him, and we worked together for years. I was good at my job. I loved the ability to make new things, to build them bigger, stronger, and more beautiful than before. Need had tasked my family with aparticular project, and I was the lead designer. I helped build an entirely new city, and Need was impressed with my abilities. She told my family that the council had taken notice of me and that they’d chosen me to be their Creator. It was an honour to be selected for such a task. My family’s status was elevated, and they were able to live out their lives in riches.”

“Didn’t you miss them?” I ask softly, frowning.

Leon shakes his head, still smiling at the memories. “The rules that hold Destroyers are a bit different than those that hold Creators. Because I was already loyal to the council and a force of good, light energy, I was no threat to them so long as I remained collared between assignments. I was able to live alongside my family until the end of their lives. It’s the same reason I was able to stay in Atlantis after I finished my duty of bringing it to greatness. The only times I was put to sleep as a Creator was when I asked to be. It wears you down over time. Seeing those you care about pass on. Even in the Otherworld, though lives are much longer than humans, many are not immortal.”

I’m about to ask why the rules are so different for the Destroyers, but we’ve come full circle around the castle, and Leon stops his warding energy. “Come on.” He says, once again taking my hand. “I want to show you our home.”

Walking through the castle doors, I look around, still in awe. Tapestries and paintings line the walls, and lush rugs cover the dark-stained floors. Overhead, stained-glass windows of every colour imaginable blend the sunlight, scattering it about the room. The colours fromthe stained glass amplify the beauty of every surface it touches.

Even though Leon says no one has been here in thousands of years, there’s no telltale musty odour or dust covering the surfaces. Everything still looks pristine, as if it was newly built.

A large table sits directly in front of us, and there’s a hearth to the right, with some comfortable-looking chairs stationed before it. To my left, a staircase curves to a second floor.

The main hall looks more like a cathedral, its ceiling spanning at least three stories in height. “It’s beautiful.” I breathe, taking in the grandeur.

Leon grins down at me, practically glowing, seeing that I like the space. His pride is evident as he answers. “Like I said, designing buildings has been a family trade for a long time.”

Still holding my hand, he leads me to the table, motioning for me to take a seat as he pulls a chair in front of me. Sitting, I look up at Leon as he takes his seat. I’m about to ask another question when he starts talking. “Not that I don’t much prefer the close quarters of your bedroom, but as you noted, talking might be better served if it happens elsewhere.”

My cheeks heat at the memory. The last time we sat on a bed together, the bond was triggered by something unknown, and I asked him to touch me. The thought causes the same heat to spread throughout me, and when I lock eyes with Leon, I can see the same intensity as he looks at me.

Clearing my throat, I try to change the subject. “Talking. Yes. I still have so many questions.” I start.

Leon interjects. “I believe after our walk around the property that it’s my turn, though.” His tone is mild.