Page 73 of Creation's Captive

Seeing the entrance to a major highway, I take the onramp. I don’t have a particular destination in mind, but the highway is the fastest way to distance us from my apartment.

Leon isn’t finished. “Now the forsaken have seen you, and they know you are with me. Because you didn’t let me un-exist them all, they will report that information to Morgana. So not only can they tell their mistress that we are reunited, but they have your scent and know exactly who you are. They will not stop coming for you now, Vivian. They will come in armies. They will rip apart the very fabric of your realm to get to you. And if you won’t release me from my bindings. I cannot stop them from doing so. So please, Vivian. When I make the order to be released, I expect you to obey without question.”

I keep my eyes on the road. Fury simmers somewhere deep inside of me. It spreads across me like a molten liquid.


I rage over the word. He called my home, my safe place, insignificant and would undoubtedly destroy it without a moment’s hesitation to serve the greater good.

Leon takes my silence as remorse and nods before turning back to the road.

My hands tighten on the steering wheel, and I refuse to look at him. Ahead of us, storm clouds gather on the horizon.

I’m furious that otherworldly creatures have invaded my life, my world, and that they’re playing with our very fates. I rage over the fact that innocent human lives are too insignificant to be considered in the scope of the troubles that plague the supernatural world. Troubles thattheycreated.

I will not accept their rules.

I will not step aside and turn a blind eye to the injustice.

I will not enable the destruction.

The bond within me flares to life, once again searing me with a shock of pain.

I push against it, fighting the fog that gathers in my mind.

My thoughts will not be erased.

Not again.

Leon is oblivious to my fury and pain, focusing on the storm ahead. He watches as silver lightning streaks across the sky, jumping from cloud to cloud. There are hundreds of bolts.

He quickly turns to me, eyes widening in surprise. “Vivian – you need to pull over. Now.”

My vision is darkening from the pain as I mutely continue to fight the fog. Relenting, I pull over onto the side of the highway. My hands keep their death grip on the steering wheel.

Something is trying to cloud my thoughts again, and I am beyond livid.

I don’t want to be complacent.

I don’t want to sit silently and take whatever fate others throw at me.

Stones, fog, no more.

Leon jumps from the car's passenger side and wrenches open my door. The storm is getting bigger now, massive clouds circling overhead.

“Vivian.” He calls to me when I don’t look at him. His voice is urgent worried. I ignore him, not ready to tell him where he can shove his supernatural superiority complex.

The lightning is starting to strike the ocean that borders the highway.

I’m still fighting the blinding pain that scalds me through the bond. The pain of it consumes me, and I latch onto my rage, refusing to let it fade into the nothingness that the fog threatens.

Whatever is hurting me through the bond evidently isn’t touching Leon. He stands at my door, not looking at all discomforted other than looking worried.

At my lack of response, he tries a new tactic, reaching around to unclip my belt and gently prying my fingers from the steering wheel. Turning my body so that I’m facing him now, he calls out to me again.

Still, I’m unwilling to break and back down. I ignore him, holding on to the anger for dear life.

Leon cups my cheek with one hand, tilting my face so I’m looking at him. The bond reacts to his gentle touch, and a haze of pleasure joins the fog that wants to steal my thoughts.