Page 71 of Creation's Captive

I stand in front of the door, again waiting to make sure there’s no sign of movement. I could make a break for my car and reach it quickly, but instead, I try to be as quiet as possible.

When Leon told me to run to my car alone, I didn’t think it wise to mention that the parking garage has no actual garage door and is open to the outside air.

So, in case the creatures are still prowling around the building, I’m guessing my best chance is to be as stealthy as possible until I’m inside my vehicle.

My steps are measured, and I strain to listen for the slightest sound. My heart is hammering wildly, and I have no idea how people in survival situations ever hear anything beyond the thundering of their pulse.

Five steps from the door now, and still, I see no sign of movement. Of course, I could never be that lucky.

White plaster powder trickles down on me from the ceiling. Realization hits like a bitch.

I made a critical error.


I didn’t bother to look for movement on the ceiling.

Dreading what I’m about to see, I freeze and slowly raise my eyes to see what made the plaster fall on me. There, directly atop me, is what I can confidently assume is a forsaken.

It has the same unearthly glow as the faceless creatures I’m used to and shares the same smooth skin that mars most of its features. This creature looks like a terrifying second cousin of the faceless. Its skin is a dark, leathery grey, and it has no eyes I can see. Its hands and feet are also elongated but end in sharp claws that it now uses to dig into the ceiling plaster.

Perhaps the most terrifying part of the forsaken is its mouth. Stretching wide like its jaw has been permanently unhinged, it doesn’t hold a black void but is filled with thousands of needle-sharp teeth.

The creature clings to the ceiling with its hands and feet, and its back is arched. Its neck also arches so it can watch me as I stand directly below it.

I take a slow step back, unsure how well the creature can see if it has no eyes. The creature twists its head at an impossible angle, watching my movement.

No such luck.

The creature makes a few clicking sounds from the back of its throat as it skitters across the ceiling to circle me, like a predator stalking its prey.

My mouth goes dry, and I feel myself starting to become flooded by the fear paralysis. The creaturebegins advancing on me, moving slowly as it snaps its jaws at me.

Staring at the creature’s teeth, I get struck with the realization that if death is taking me today, I’m not going to stand here and wait for it to happen.

Without waiting for another breath, I run for my car. The creature responds by letting out a few high-pitched, clipped shrieks. I hear some answering shrieks from somewhere outside. My face blanches as I realize what the creature is doing.

It’s calling for its friends.

Clever girl.

I’m only a few feet from my car when it darts across the ceiling and jumps onto the car directly in front of me.

The faceless creatures in the woods are creepy when they move, blinking in and out of existence.

These forsaken creatures are utterly terrifying. It moves abhorrently fast, running across the ceiling like one of those impossibly fast spiders that dart across your wall only to then jump on your face.

I screech to a stop, now face to face with the forsaken.

If I want to get to my car, I have to run by this creature, and at the speed at which it’s moving, there’s no way it won’t catch me. The creature takes a measured step on the crushed hood of the car towards me, once again making a trilling, clicking noise.

I take an equal, measured step backwards, and it snaps its teeth at me.

I pause, trying not to piss it off. Maybe this thing is a like a cougar or bear. Aren’t you not supposed to run from those? You need to look bigger.

Or maybe you need to look small and less threatening, and then they’ll leave you alone. I’m thinking I already look small and less threatening compared to this thing, and it hasn’t left me alone, so I go for option A.

Standing straight, I shove my fear down to the box deep inside of me where I keep emotions and feelings that I’m not prepared to deal with. Sex with Leon is in there, too. I’m in no way ready to process that.