Page 56 of Creation's Captive

“Hot?” He supplies.

“Yes,” I answer. I think my face might catch fire from blushing.

“The bond between Destroyers or Creators and their Keepers is meant to keep them close at all costs. It can feel like the bond of siblings, of a cherished friend, and, more rarely, it can take the form of a lover’s bond. It all depends on who is chosen to be the Keeper and how their soul reacts to the Destroyer or Creator.”

I pause. “Then, do you feel it too? Like I do, I mean?”

Leon looks at me with a burning intensity that leaves no room for second-guessing whether the bond is affecting him, too.

“Vivian.” He purrs, putting both hands behind his back as if to stop himself from reaching out for me. “If I had my way, I would have already had you last night, over and over again. I would already have heard you yell my name with your legs wrapped around me while I was deep – very deep inside of you. And then again, this morning, when you opened your eyes and looked at me with innocent wonder, I would have taken you, hard. Until the only thing on your mind was pleasure. And right now. Right now, I would love nothing more than to slide that sinfully delicious dress up your thighs so I could kneel between your legs and taste you. I wouldn’t stop until you came on my face, and then...”

“Okay – I think I get the picture.” I interrupt. My body feels like it’s on fire, and I can feel myself getting wet.

Leon gives me a satisfied smile as if he knows, once again, the reaction I’m having to him. “Just so there’s no misunderstanding about whatIwant.” He adds.

“There’s no way we’re going to be able to talk in my apartment alone,” I respond. My pulse is thundering, and I feel myself being pulled towards him.

Leon cocks an eyebrow again. “Afraid you won’t be able to keep your hands off me?”

I don’t think I could blush any more than I already am. “No – I just think being in public would make it easier to ignore this.” I pause, looking for the right word.

Leon grins, clearly enjoying my embarrassment. “This what, Vivian?”

“I don’t know, I can barely think straight. How do we make it stop?” I answer. It feels like the apartment walls are closing in on us. My body is aching, and I can feel every place his gaze lingers on my body, tingling with electricity, lighting me up.

Is this magic?

It’s overwhelming and triggering my claustrophobia. My chest constricts, and my breathing comes faster as the familiar fear settles over me.

At my change in expression, Leon quickly pushes himself off the wall, coming over to me to take my hand. He averts his eyes, and the bond connecting us hums as the burning abates. I take a few calming breaths now that the pressure is easing off.

After a while, Leon lifts his eyes to me, looking concerned now. “Better?” He asks.

I nod. “How did you do that?”

“The bond is here to make sure we stay close to each other, so I got closer,” Leon answers, squeezing my hand.

“Oh God, will it do this until I give back the key?” I ask, my face blanching. I don’t think I can do this long-term.

Leon’s eyes darken, but he quickly schools his expression back to one of nonchalance. “Only in the beginning. It will act up until it’s satisfied that we won’t leave each other. Then it tones down.”

“Okay, good.” I breathe, relieved. I need a buffer – something to take this tension away. “Why don’t we talk over breakfast?” Food – food is a good buffer.

Leon nods, letting go of my hand and following me into the kitchen. “I hope you like cereal,” I ask, reaching for two bowls.

“Sure,” Leon says. He’s careful not to touch me in the tiny kitchen area.

I make each of us a bowl and then scoot around the counter to grab my stool, pulling it up to the opposite side of the counter. A kitchen counter is an even better buffer.

“I have questions.” I begin.

Instead of meeting me with the same flirtatious response, Leon looks serious as he responds, “So do I.”

“Alright,” I answer. “Then we take turns, fair?”

“Fair enough,” Leon replies. He is purposefully looking at his bowl, and the bond stays blissfully quiet. “Well, you went last, so I think it’s my turn. Why am I here?” His voice had a hard edge as if he was dreading my answer.

I swallow, pausing to try and remember what Need told me. “There’s a council member, Mor- Morgana? She left the council and stole the key to another Destroyer, the oldest one. And Need thinks Morgana will use the Destroyer to permanently tip the world into darkness.”