Page 50 of Creation's Captive

It’s as if my entire being is being drawn to the water. What was it Need said about the key? The key is drawn to the energy of the collar and vice versa.

So essentially, it’s like having a tracker on your dog’s collar – only you’re magnetically drawn to it.

Yup, I’m a glorified paranormal dog walker.

Suddenly, the hairs on the back of my neck start to stand. I get the distinct feeling that I’m being watched.

I spin around but can’t see anyone. That doesn’t mean a whole lot, though. The storm clouds hide the moon, and I can’t see very far.

If this is one of the supernatural hotshots coming for me, I don’t have time to second-guess my good sense. I spin on my heel and race into the water, broken surfboard in tow.

Cold. Holy cold, cold, cold.

I push through the waves in the shallow area and run for the deeper water. There, I quickly lay on my board and paddle out. I want as much distance between myself and the shoreline on the off chance that someone is watching me.

I’m not as fast as I’d like since I’m diligently keeping my left hand out of the water. I’d rather not be a living homing beacon if someone is on shore.

When I’m far out enough that the shore has disappeared under the cloak of darkness, I scoot further up the board and put my left hand in the water. Sure enough, the blue lights fly out and dance like little strings further off into the water.

I start paddling with my arms now, keeping my eyes on the lights and trying not to think about how deep the water is out here.

The tugging is getting stronger. I’m getting closer. My hand is starting to feel like it’s being pulled along rather than the small tugs I was getting before.

I can’t place why I feel such an immense need to find what is on the other side of the rope. It isn’t just that I need to find the Destroyer. It’s as if my very soul sings for it.

The feeling is almost intoxicating, and there’s a desperation to it.

A part of me shudders at the thought that this feeling is all because some supernatural creatures decided to give me a magic key and played with my destiny.

I keep paddling until the blue lights extending from my hand no longer lead further into the water. I must have paddled far enough because now, the lights leaddown. I stare into the inky black depths, barely illuminated by the blue lights.

I let myself rest for a moment on my board, catching my breath as I try to figure out the best way to get the Destroyer out of the water.

Maybe I’m close enough now that the creature will swim to me.

That hope was quickly squashed when I remember that Need said the creatures are kept in deep sleep when they’re not needed.

Well, it would have been helpful if Need bothered to tell mehowto wake up the Destroyer. But no such luck.

When no creature magically rises out of the water, I concede that I’m going to need to dive down and retrieve it. I know I can’t dive with the board, so it will undoubtedly float away and be taken by a wave.

With the way I’m starting to go numb, I have zero chance of swimming back to shore on my own. So, going down there is a one-way trip for me.

Do or die.

I successfully find and awaken the Destroyer, or I drown.

IfI make it down to the Destroyer, hopefully, it will have some way to get us back up and out of the water.

I try to find a silver lining before taking the plunge.

If mortals are commonly used to free Destroyers (and mind you, I have no idea if that is true or not), then surely the Council will only store them in places where the Keepers can reach them without dying.


Taking a deep breath, I jump into the frigid water.

Swimming freely now, I float at the surface but can still feel the tug on my hand coaxing me down.