Page 44 of Creation's Captive

“Your name, again,” Sarah says. “Alright, I think that’s enough spooky stuff for now. Viv, will you be okay tonight after that scary movie and with a ghost that wants to steal your keys?”

I’m still trying to process the fact that the ghost spelled my name again. Someone really does want to talk to me. This is fantastic, and maybe I can finally get some answers if I try again on my own.

I grin at my friend. “A roommate who won’t hog the bathroom, what’s there to be upset about?”

Sarah laughs but still looks uneasy. She yawns as she stands up from the bed. “Alright then, I’m headed home. Are you guys coming? It doesn’t look like it’s raining or anything, so it should be a decent walk.”

Isaac also stands, albeit a bit unsteady on his feet. “I’ll walk you home, Sarah.”

Conner and I follow them to the front door. A mostly drunk Sarah and Isaac stumble out, but Conner stays put. He calls out to their slowly staggering figures, “I’ll catch up with you guys later; I want to ask Viv something.”

A small curl of dread settles in my stomach. I surely don’t have the necessary people skills for what is coming.

Sarah and Isaac wave at us as they continue down my apartment hallway. Conner closes the door behind them and leans his back to it. He isn’t very tall, but he’s stocky, and his frame takes up most of the doorway.

I stand before him, unsure what to do with my hands. I settle on crossing them over my chest. That body language means you aren’t interested, right?

Conner notices, and his eyes stay on my breasts for a second too long before moving back up to meet mine. He looks at me with a mixture of longing and determination.

My cheeks flush.

I’m about to ask him what he wants when he starts. “Look – Viv. I know you’ve got to know I’m into you. And not in a playful, I love all women kind of way. I wantyou.”

I frown, opening my mouth to let him down quickly, but Conner rushes on. “Just – just let me get this out, okay? I know you don’t date, and I can’t imagine why, but from what you told me tonight about not going home,you’ve got some troubled history, and I just want you to know that I’m here for you and would take amazing care of you. I’d treat you like a goddess, and I would never hurt you.”

He leaves the doorway and stands directly in front of me. I’m about to back away to put more space between us when Conner notices I look uncomfortable and backs off.

“Sorry – uhm yeah. Just think about it, okay? You don’t need to answer me tonight. Take your time.” And with that, he opens the door and lets himself out.

I stand rooted to my spot for a good minute before locking the door.

I should be thrilled. Conner would probably make a great boyfriend. But I’m not.

The only thing making my pulse race right now is the anxiety of knowing that I’ll have to let him down. Maybe I should give him a couple of days to think I’m taking his offer seriously. I don’t want to bruise his ego.

I look back over to the Ouija board sitting on my bed. It’s almost midnight now, but after Conner’s words, I just want to escape this reality for a while and turn off my brain.

I put away the board and change into some comfy sweats and a tank top before settling into bed with one of my favourite romance novels. It isn’t comfort food, but it has the same effect.

I fall asleep an hour or so later, the book still in my hands.

Chapter 11


What kind of idiot adult falls asleep with not one, not two, but SEVEN candles still burning?

I’m a walking hazard.

Luckily, I only slept for a few hours before waking up in a hazy panic. It’s probably my subconscious asking me what the hell is wrong with me.

Putting my book down on my bedside table, I get up to blow out the candles when I see her. It takes every ounce of my willpower not to scream.

There is a ghost sitting on my barstool.

When the ghost sees me looking at her, she smiles warmly before standing to greetme. “Hello, Vivian.”

My jaw drops. If there are any fruit flies in my apartment, I’ll be getting an extra hit of protein tonight.