Page 43 of Creation's Captive

Don’t get your hopes up.

Realistically, there are very few ghosts in my apartment complex, and certainly none in my apartment right now. But hey, maybe it’s like picking up the phone. I just have to call, and someone in the mood to chat might decide to turn up.

I place two fingers on the shot glass, and Sarah and Conner do the same. Sarah has a faint wobble – the wine is starting to hit her.

Conner looks amused as always but, for once, doesn’t crack a joke. Maybe the movie got to him a bit. The killer ghosts did manage to kill the main character’s playboy love interest.

We wait a few seconds before Conner whispers. “So, what next?”

“Well…” I whisper back, thinking back to the website I read that morning. I’m halfway through my wine bottle and am trying to keep it all straight in my mind. “Okay – next, we have to say hello and ask if there’s anyone who would like to talk to us. So, uhm, yeah. Here goes nothing.”

I’m not sure where to address the ghosts, so I settle on looking up. I figure it’s a better omen than looking down.

“Hey, if there’s anything out there, any ghosts, we’d love for you to come by and have a chat with us. I’m Vivian, and these are my friends Conner and Sarah. We uhm – we have wine and pizza if you’re into that.” I finish and try to bite down my laughter as I look at Sarah, who is vibrating from trying not to laugh. Conner has less control and snorts.

Isaac looks half asleep, and I elbow him gently with my free arm. “Still with us?”

Isaac nods. “Just resting my eyes until company shows up.”

I’m about to respond when suddenly, I feel the shot glass start to move. My eyes lock on it instantly, and I watch as it slides over to the “Hello” portion of the board.

“Hello,” I answer. “May I ask who’s here?” I look at Conner and Sarah as the shot glass starts to move again. Their eyes are locked on the glass, looking a bit afraid and confused. They don’t look like they are pushing the glass, but then again, you never know.

The shot glass stops over the letter N, then continues over to the letter E. It rests there a moment before sliding into the open area of the board and coming back to rest on the letter E. Finally, it moves again to the letter D.

“Isaac, you getting this?” Sarah asks.

“Yup,” Isaac answers. “I’m just the right amount of drunk for this.”

“Need -” I read and pause for a moment, confused. “Need what? What do you need?”

The shot glass starts moving again, more quickly. When I see what’s being spelled out, I take my fingers from the glass and cross my arms. “Conner, is this you?”

I’m irritated. The glass spelled my name.

“No! Honest!” Conner responds, removing his fingers to cross his heart.

“Need Vivian,” Sarah says, chuckling. “That sounds like a Conner thing to say to me. Are you just trying to scare us? It isn’t working, dude.”

“Guys, I’m not. Look, I won’t even touch the glass this time. And to prove you aren’t doing anything, you should both take turns closing your eyes while it moves. Just to see if it still makes sense.”

“Seems like a good plan to me,” Sarah says, looking back up to me. “You okay with that?”

“Let’s do this,” I say, placing my fingers back on the shot glass. Sarah closes her eyes first, and Conner keeps his hands on his lap, true to his word that he won’t touchthe shot glass anymore. The glass moves. I didn’t expect it to. I thought Conner was messing with us.

It settles on the letter K, then E and then stops on Y. Sarah opens her eyes, looking curious.

“It seriously moved again? What did it say?” She asks.

Isaac answers. “This time, we got ‘key.’ Okay, so does the ghost need Vivian or a key?”

A smile is pulling at the corners of my mouth. I’m trying hard not to show how excited I am. I have no idea what ghostly key something needs, but I’m taking this as contact.

“Only one way to find out, and I’m still not convinced Conner didn’t spell my name.” With that, I close my eyes. I feel the glass start to move immediately from one place to another. When it stops, I ask if I can open my eyes.

Conner clears his throat like choking before answering, “Yeah, you’re good.”

“Well? What did it spell?” I look at Sarah; she’s gone pale as a ghost.