Page 41 of Creation's Captive

All in all, it isn’t a bad effort. I’m unsure about the whole pizza and chocolate addition, but Conner made a fair point that sound mental health is imperative to our focus on the mission. And while comfort food might not fix the problems we will face in Rome, it will surely make us feel better.

I stay in the auditorium with the others after class to solidify our evening plans. “My place, eight tonight?”

“It won’t be dark enough by eight,” Sarah muses. “Ou! Let’s make it a pizza/movie/ghost trio!”

I raise an eyebrow at her. “You do remember I don’t have a TV. Or a couch?”

“That’s fine with me,” Sarah responds. “Your bed is big enough to fit all of us, and we can watch a movie offyour laptop, or hey! Isaac! Your laptop is obnoxiously massive. Bring yours!”

Isaac is offended. “There’s nothing wrong with the size of my laptop; it’s a gaming laptop. Now, if you want to see massive...”

Sarah puts her hand on his mouth to stop him. “Woah, now, okay, so bring your laptop. I’ll bring pizza, Vivian, you make the board and Conner, you get the wine.”

Sarah has a big heart; she knows that she and Conner are college-fund kids, while Isaac and I are a bit less well-off and rely on student loans and summer jobs.

Well-off or not, I object. “I’m happy to pitch in for pizza or booze.”

Sarah shakes her head and won’t hear of it. “I know you’re purposefully not telling us how much that surfboard cost yesterday, and those things are NOT cheap. So, you get a pass on pitching in tonight.”

“Fine.” I begrudgingly acquiesce. “But I’ll get some chocolate.”

“Done!” Sarah responds, and with that, we set off on our separate ways.

Walking to my next class, I feel a surge of excitement at the thought that maybe this will work.

If anything, I’m pumped to have my friends with me. I don’t relish the idea of something scary happening in the middle of the night while I’m alone.

I know that’s a bit hypocritical coming from someone who goes out most nights, trying to find scary, trapped spirits. But my apartment feels different.

It’s my haven, my safe place.

But I want answers, and hopefully, I will get them tonight.

Chapter 10

THE DAY FLIES BY, AND AFTER A FULL AFTERNOON OFback-to-back classes, I have just enough time to run to the store before hurrying home to clean up.

I also remember to hide some of my darker romance novels in my drawers. Seriously, the guys do not need ideas about stalker romance.

Making a Ouija board is simple enough. I spell out the alphabet in two rows, trying to leave enough space between the letters to help distinguish whatever might be spelt out.

I include a “Yes” and “No” on each corner of the top of the board and then include a row of numbers from zero to nine underneath the alphabet. Finally, I add “Hello” and “Goodbye” in the bottom corners.

I’m going all out. I busted out my Sharpies and used my favourite silver colour to giveit all an extra “spooky” edge. For the sake of the ambience, I turn off the main lights, save for my fairy twinkle lights. Spooky season vibes abound.

I’m contemplating whether I have time to add stars to the board when the apartment intercom goes off. No stars it is.

“Hey, girl!” Sarah calls as she walks in, placing two large pizzas on the counter.

Isaac follows her, laptop in his hands. “S’up, nerd?”

I roll my eyes and grin. “Takes one to know one.”

Conner carries four large bottles of wine. “I’ve got two reds, two whites, and no class in the morning. So, who’s getting ghostbusters-hammered with me?”

Oh boy.

Tonight should be interesting.