Page 29 of Creation's Captive

By challenging, I mean near impossible.

Unless there are other currents nearby that push you in, but even then, I need to get out of this current.

Once again, I look around for my friends. I can’t see far enough through the fog.

Hopefully, whatever shocked me is long gone and not headed for them. I chew on my lips for another minute before making up my mind.

There’s no helping it; I need to touch the water again.

Very gingerly now, I place my hand back under the water. My wariness is quickly transformed into surprise.

Small tendrils of blue light extend from my left hand. Like little strings, I can see them glowing, leading off into deeper water.

I frown, trying to make sense of what I’m seeing. At this point, I have a pretty high weirdness threshold, so I’m not scared, just a little taken aback.

Personal growth for the win.

Slowly now, I pull my hands from the water. As my left-hand leaves the water, the lights disappear.

Examining my hand again, I confirm there’s still nothing there.

Am I graduating from ghosts and faceless to some new freaky business?

I’d really rather not.

My supernatural social card is full.

As usual, the universe doesn’t care.

Placing my hands back into the water, I see that, sure enough, the blue lights are back, shimmering underwater until they disappear up ahead. I rack my brain for any possible explanation.

Maybe I’m the love child of Aquaman and Spiderman, and no one ever bothered to tell me.

That could be fun.

I flex my left hand to see if I can shoot the tendrils out like water-webs but without luck.


I glance at my right hand and am relieved that whatever spooky business is going on seems to be affecting only my left hand. I watch the shimmering blue lights a moment longer before I feel it.

A faint tug.

The sensation reminds me of when I went fishing as a child, and a fish was giving ‘bites’ to the lure but not taking the hook.

Again, another faint tug on my hand – like someone is toying with the other side of the blue tendrils, beckoning me forward.

I could go back to shore and pretend this didn’t happen, but – something in my gut is telling me to follow. Like an itch I can’t scratch, I feel compelled to find out what is on the other side of the strings.

Maybe whatever is on the other side can help explain why I suddenly started seeing ghosts and why I was warned from my death. I want – no, Ineedanswers. Also, I’ve learned the hard way that ignoring cues from the supernatural doesn’t pan out well for me.

So, who am I to argue if the spooky lights want me to paddle out into the deep, dark, and likely very dangerous waters?

Again, I’m totally not setting myself up for another near-death experience.

Those are off-limits.

Instead, I mentally convince myself this is a fact-finding mission.