Page 8 of Sorting Out

Jack nodded. There was no point in denying it. Mason being held hostage and Ronnie, a fellow officer getting shot and killed by the same assholes had fucked him up.

“You need to talk to someone,” Gray insisted.

“I’ll be okay.”

“What if I hadn’t been here today? What if that asswipe hadn’t been the type to run rather than attack?”

Jack didn’t want to think about it.

“Do I need to take you home, say you’re sick or something?”

“No. I told you. I’m fine.”

Gray was clearly getting ready to protest, but their radio squawked, calling them to the scene of an accident nearby. They were busy for the rest of their shift, and when they got home, just after dawn, Mason had already left to meet a study partner and go over a presentation they had to give the next day. At least he’d messaged them to say he’d done well on his test.

Jack held off Gray’s questions by reminding his partner he hadn’t slept much that afternoon or the night before. He showered and crashed. The last thing he remembered was Gray rubbing his back and telling him he was going to take care of him no matter what.

When Jack woke in the afternoon, Gray was snoring beside him. Jack slipped out of bed and went for a run. He tried to let the pounding of his feet on the pavement drown out all the self-recriminations in his head.

What the fuck was wrong with him? He’d faced men with guns before, fortunately not often, but why had he freaked? What if Gray hadn’t been there? He wasn’t going to be there in a few weeks, and Jack might be partnered with a rookie who’d look to him for guidance. Some mentor he’d be.Fuck.

He ran faster, pushing himself as hard as he could. He ended up running ten miles, and by the time he got home, he was soaked with sweat despite the cooler fall weather.

He and Gray had the night off before switching back to days for a while. The scheduler seemed to have it in for their sleep patterns. Gray’s SUV wasn’t parked in front of the house anymore, and Jack found a note from him saying he’d gone to the gun range to practice, which usually meant he had something to think through—probably how he was going to badger Jack into seeing a shrink. He’d be back in an hour or so, around the same time Mason would come home from his long day of classes.

They needed to talk to him about Gray’s application for detective and the possibility of making their relationship public. Mason was out as gay, but his being in a threesome might shock even those people for whom his sexuality wasn’t a problem. Jack didn’t want to spend the evening talking though. He wanted to get naked with his lovers and forget all their problems.


Mason and Jack were relaxing on the couch talking about Mason’s day when Gray walked through the door. He looked at the empty table in front of them, then glanced toward the kitchen. “I kind of hoped you’d made popcorn again.”

Jack wondered if he should have. Maybe what the others needed was a night cuddled on the couch watching movies like they’d planned to do two days ago, but that wasn’t what he wanted. Ever since the fight with Gray, he’d longed to surrender to him. He needed to know they could still connect that way, and nothing helped him release tension like sexual submission. He knew many people wouldn’t understand why he needed Gray to dominate him, but he did, so badly he could taste it. Letting go for Gray was the best sensation in the world, and watching him top Mason too made it even better.

“I was actually hoping you’d do a scene with us.” He glanced at Mason and saw eagerness in his eyes.

Gray’s eyes widened.

“Me too,” Mason said. “Please.”

Jack looked at Mason and inclined his head toward the floor. Both men knelt and looked up at Gray. Gray licked his lips, but his words didn’t match the desire in his eyes. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

“I love you” was all Jack said. Mason didn’t answer. Probably, he assumed the question was for Jack.

Gray was silent for a few seconds, and then his expression hardened. “I said are you sure this is a good idea?”

“Yes, sir,” they responded in unison. Jack fought to slow his breathing, not wanting Gray to see how out of control he already was. He’d worried Gray would insist their emotions were too out of whack for a scene, but they needed this, all three of them. It had been too long since they’d played hard with each other. Too many extra shifts for him and Gray and too much studying for Mason had kept them apart. They hadn’t worked things out completely, and Jack was still terrified, but not of this, not of giving himself to Gray. The rest would sort itself out, because it had to. Jack would not give these men up.

Gray gave Jack and Mason a stern look. “I’m going to prepare the playroom. I expect you naked and waiting on your knees when I return. If I even think you’ve touched each other, you will regret it.”

“Yes, sir,” they both answered.

Gray ran a hand over the hard ridge pressing against the front of his pants, and Jack bit the side of his mouth to hold in a groan. Mason wasn’t so discreet, and his sound of pleasure made Jack shudder.

Gray frowned at him. “I didn’t give you permission to make any noise.”

Mason looked down. “I’m sorry, sir.”

“I’m going to love reminding you of the importance of obedience.”