Page 58 of Sorting Out

Mason nodded. “I know a few who would bow down at his feet if they thought they had a chance with him.”

“That would be fun to watch,” Jack said just to see how Gray would react. But his lover chuckled instead of bristling like Jack expected.

“Yes, it would,” Gray agreed. Then he tipped back the beer Mason had brought him, draining the last of it. “We made enough of a spectacle to suit you two?”

Mason laughed. “I think so, but I think the ladies at table sixteen could do with more.” He looked from Gray to Jack. “Who’s idea was this anyway? This come-out fest?”

“Henry’s,” Jack responded.


“Yep. I’ll tell you the whole story later, but he had the idea that we should just start being ourselves in public rather than making a big deal out of telling people.”

“That is one smart boy,” Mason said.

“Yeah, he is.”

“Let’s get out of here,” Gray said, sliding toward the edge of the booth.

Mason winked. “Someone’s impatient to get us home.”

But before they could get out of the booth, Huck walked in with several other cops.

Gray sat back down, but Huck saw them, waved, and headed their way followed by Anderson and Blaine, two other patrol officers from their precinct. They must have just gotten off shift.

“Been a long time since I’ve seen you out and about,” Huck said to Jack.

“Thanks. I’m almost back to normal.”

“Good to hear.” Huck glanced down and noticed that Gray’s arm was around Jack. He winked, but he didn’t make a comment.

Then Anderson noticed, and his eyes widened. “You having to hold him up there, Gray?”

“No,” Gray said. “But I might have to after I get through with him tonight.”

Oh fuck. Now Anderson’s eyes were in danger of falling right out of his head.

“Holy shit.” The words burst from him and his mouth hung open.

Huck rolled his eyes. “Like you didn’t see that coming.”

Then Jack, finding an insane amount of courage from somewhere, reached out and took Mason’s hand. Anderson looked down and then back up at Jack. “Two of them?”

Jack just nodded.

“Come on, guys,” Huck said, taking the men’s arms as they stood staring. “We need our own table. They’ve got plenty going on at this one.”

“Thornton know about this?” Anderson asked.

“He does,” Gray kept his voice steady, but he was poised to attack if need be.

“And he let you stay in his department?”

The need to defend Gray had Jack standing up, but Gray squeezed his shoulder and pulled him back down. “Got assigned to be primary on a case today, actually.” He looked at Mason and then at Jack. “What do you say, boys? Want to go home for a celebration?”

Jack grinned. “Hell yes.”

Blaine spoke for the first time after looking from Jack to Gray to Mason several times. “I would never have guessed. You’re all so…so…buff.”