Page 52 of Sorting Out

Jack stood and grabbed his arm. “Come on.”

He led him behind the bar and into the manager’s office. Elizabeth looked up, startled. “We need somewhere private for just a few minutes.”

She frowned, but something in Jack’s face must have changed her mind. “Okay. I’ll be back soon.”

Jack shut and locked the door and pulled Henry into his arms. “Just let go. We’ll talk about anything you want, but this can’t stay inside anymore.”

Henry sobbed for several minutes, and Jack held onto him, not caring that he was soaking Jack’s shirt or that being held so tightly pulled at his wound. All he cared about was helping Henry. Jack realized that getting outside himself and seeing the world from a new perspective was exactly what he’d been needing. Without even knowing it, Henry was helping him heal. Now if he could only help heal Henry too.

When the sobs subsided, Jack guided them to the desk and urged Henry to perch on the edge. “I’m so sorry,” he said, sniffling.

“Don’t you dare apologize.”

“They died. My parents. I got sent to my grandparents, because there wasn’t anyone else to take me, but they hated who I was. They tried to…change me…to make me straight. They made me go to church and to these ‘counseling’ sessions.”

Holy shit. Did Andy know about Henry? Was that part of why he’d paired them?

“My parents left me some money, but I can’t get it until I’m eighteen. I was at the top of my class. I would have gotten into a good school, probably gotten a scholarship. I’m not stupid or lazy or anything, but I ran away.”

“How old are you now?”

He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head.

Jack laid a hand on his shoulder. “Henry. I’m not going to tell you to go back. I would never do that.”

“I’m seventeen. I would’ve had to stay another year. I know you’d think I could, but…” He shook his head.

“No. I wouldn’t expect you to stand that for another day and certainly not for a year.”

Henry glanced up and then back down at his hands, which were shaking. “You don’t think they were right?”

“Henry. Look at me.” When he did, Jack said, “I’m gay too. Mason, the bartender, isn’t just my friend, he’s my boyfriend. I’m not officially out at work, but most people know and I’ll catch a lot of shit for it when I go back. I know what it’s like to be different. Okay?”

Henry nodded.

Jack took a big breath. In for a penny… “My partner, Gray, the one I rescued. He’s my boyfriend too. The three of us, we’re all together.”

Henry’s mouth dropped open. “Wow. You really do know about different.”


Henry gave him a weak smile.

“You ready to step back out? We’ll have to give Elizabeth back her office soon.”

He sniffed and wiped at his eyes and nodded. “How bad do I look?”

“You’ll do.”

“Thanks for not telling me I look great.”

“You look like it’s been a rough night. Most of us have been there.”

“How do you know the owner? Just because your boyfriend works here?”

“Yes and no. I met her initially during an investigation into a robbery. That’s how I met Mason too.”

“Never a dull moment with you, huh?”