Page 43 of Sorting Out

“Only at the end, and it wasn’t bad.”

Gray unbuckled Jack’s hands as he spoke. “Fine, there at the end you were flying so high I wasn’t sure if you would notice the pain.”

Heat filled Jack’s face. “I was, and it was so good, but I’m not hurt, really.”

“Okay.” Gray released Jack’s feet and started rubbing them. Jack groaned. He was stiff and sore from being restrained for so long.

Jack turned to look at Mason and noticed the bedside clock. “Shit, we were in here that long?”

Gray grinned. “We had a lot to work through.”

“Wow. I need to check on dinner.”

Gray shook his head. “No way are you getting up until you’ve had some water and rested. You’d fall on your face if you tried to get up now.”

“I’ll check on the sauce,” Mason said. Jack couldn’t help but smile at the sight of his naked ass as he walked out of the room.

Gray noticed Jack staring and grinned. “He’s so fucking hot.”

Jack nodded. “We’re so lucky he stayed with us.”

“We are.”

Gray got a bottle of water and moved back onto the bed. He handed the water to Jack. After he took a few sips, he passed it back so Gray could have some too.

“Thank you,” he said to Gray, wishing he had better words to express his gratitude.

“You needed that and… Well, we all did.”

Jack nodded. “Yeah, we did.”

“Once you’re fully recovered, we’re going to tie Mason up and remind him how much he loves to submit to us too.”

Gray pitched his voice loud enough for Mason to hear as he walked back from the kitchen.

“I’m counting on it,” he said, grinning.

“You really got into topping me though.” Jack winked at Mason.

Mason’s cheeks turned a delightful shade of pink. “I kind of did.”

“And I liked it. A lot.”

Mason chewed his lower lip. “Good.”

“Don’t worry, boy. I’ll keep you in your place,” Gray said, swatting Mason’s ass.

“I’m sure you will.”

“Is the sauce okay?” Jack asked.

Mason nodded. “More than okay. It’s amazing. I put water on to boil for pasta.”

“You sure you can handle that?”

“The boiling part, yes. Actually putting the pasta in the water might be beyond me.”

Gray chucked. “I’ll go handle it. You make sure Jack doesn’t get up before he should.”