Page 31 of Sorting Out

Gray nodded and Mason smiled. “We know.”

When he was clean and wearing fresh clothes, he took a deep breath. He had to go back out there and listen to what his partners had to say, because they’d been patient with him being a jerk for weeks now, and he wouldn’t survive if he lost them. They were right. He’d been hiding. He wanted to hide a while longer, but he also wanted their arms around him. He’d walled himself off for so long he was empty inside; only Gray and Mason could change that.

Jack forced himself to put one foot in front of the other so he could make it to the couch without having to stop.

“Sit down before you fall down,” Gray ordered.

“Fuck. I thought I was faking it better than that.”

Mason gave him a soothing smile that both pissed him off and warmed him inside. “You just stood up through a shower, dressed, and walked across the house. That’s more than you’ve done outside of a therapy session since you got shot.”

Mason was right. Jack was already sweaty from the effort he’d expended since his shower. How had he let himself get to be such a fucking mess?

Each of his lovers took one of his arms and helped him sit. When he looked up at them, Jack had to try twice to get out the words he needed to say. “Hold me.”

They did. Gray sank to his knees between Jack’s legs, and Mason sat beside him and wrapped his arms around them both. Jack tried to fight the tears that burned behind his eyes, but after a few seconds, he gave in and sobbed while clinging to his lovers. As tremors wracked his body, he thought his chest might cave in, and he had to take great gulps of air. Gray let go of him and encouraged him to lean back. He climbed up on the couch and wiped Jack’s cheeks with his callused fingers. “It’s okay, just breathe slow and steady. We’re right here, and we’re not going anywhere ever.”

“So sorry. I don’t… I just can’t…”

“You don’t have to do anything right now. We’re going to help you. We should have stepped in before now,” Mason said.

Gray scowled. “I would have spanked your ass a week ago if I hadn’t thought I might truly hurt you.”

Jack almost laughed before realizing how much that would hurt. “Don’t make me fucking laugh.”

“What if we make you come instead?” Gray asked. “Have you, since you got shot?”

Jack was sure Gray already knew the answer, but he had no idea how. “No. I haven’t even wanted to until today.” He’d started to worry his libido wasn’t coming back, but having them there, taking care of him, touching him, had brought all the lust he’d ever felt for them rushing back at once.

Mason glanced down at the erection tenting Jack’s sweatpants. “I think he wants to now.”

“Why yes, he does.” Gray let his gaze roam up and down Jack’s body. When they were eye to eye again, Gray said, “Tell me if I hurt you.” He slid his hand over Jack’s chest, barely touching him, and then he cupped his cock. Jack fought the urge to lift up and increase the pressure. How did he go from feeling nothing to being ready to beg for Gray’s touch so quickly?

“Gray.” Mason’s tone held a warning. “Shouldn’t we talk first?”

“Oh, we will. I’m just making sure Jack hasn’t forgotten what else we like to do.”

“I haven’t forgotten. I mean maybe I did, but I…remember now.”

“Are you sure he’s ready for this?” Mason asked as Gray rubbed his hand very slowly up and down Jack’s shaft.

“I am. Really,” Jack gasped. Gray’s touch felt so good, and he hadn’t even taken off Jack’s pants yet. He needed to feel Gray’s skin against him.

“Maybe,” Gray said. He took his hand away, and Jack bit back a whimper.

Gray cupped his chin and forced Jack to look at him. “Until I say different, you’re not going to touch yourself, you’re not going to come, you’re not going to even watch any porn on your own, nothing that doesn’t happen with the two of us.” He skimmed his hand over Jack’s erection one more time. “Is that clear?”

Dear God, Gray was hot. Jack hadn’t realized how badly he needed Gray to take control.

“Is. That. Clear, boy?” The menace in Gray’s voice made Jack’s breath catch. Jack glanced at Mason. His eyes were wide, and Jack would bet his dick was just as hard as Jack’s was.

“Yes, sir,” Jack responded.

“Good.” Gray looked relieved that he hadn’t pushed too far. Gray let his chin go and dropped his hand to Jack’s thigh. “Now. We talk.”

Gray looked at Mason as if asking him to be the one to express himself with words. Mason nodded and said, “We’re worried about you, Jack. You haven’t been back to your counselor since the shooting, and we’ve watched you withdraw more and more and?—”

“I don’t know if I want to go back.” There it was, out in the open.