Page 28 of Sorting Out

Jack floated in a half-sleep while she was gone. He was aware that Gray and Mason were there but only barely.

“I’m going to take the tube out now. Just relax.” Jack opened his eyes. The nurse. She was back. Relax. Yeah, he could---holy fuck. He would have screamed at the agony of the tube coming out if he could, but his voice didn’t work. He coughed, and his chest threatened to split in two.

Mason handed him a cup of water with a bendy straw. “Take a small sip.”

Jack did, thankful he didn’t have to move.

“Wh—” He took another sip when words still failed to come. “What happened?” His voice was weak, the words froggy, but he thought they’d been audible.

Gray frowned. He held one of Jack’s hands and Mason held the other.

“His doctor will be by in a few minutes,” the nurse said. Then she stepped out.

Something was wrong. Well, obviously a fuckload of things were wrong. He was in the hospital. His body felt like it had been crushed, then reinflated. Mason and Gray looked… Mason and Gray. They were there, holding his hands, in public. They hadn’t outed themselves yet, had they? No. Gray had a big case and… Memories came flooding back, hitting him like blows. He flinched. He might have cried out.

“Jack? Jack? You okay?”

“Get the nurse. Now,” Gray said.

Before Mason reached the door. Jack managed a small shake of his head. “’M okay,” he said.

Gray narrowed his eyes. “Don’t lie to me.”

“Not lying.”

Mason came back and squeezed his hand.

“Just…re…membered.” Forcing the words out hurt like hell.

Gray closed his eyes and took a shaky breath. Mason reached for Gray’s hand too, and Jack realized Gray was shaking. The tiredness and pain on his face made Jack long to rise up and kiss him.

“Not your fault,” he croaked, knowing what they were both thinking. “Wasn’t going to lose Gray.”

“We almost lost you,” Gray said, the words harsh.

“You didn’t,” Jack said. He forced himself to smile despite the throbbing agony in his chest. “How bad?”

Mason frowned.

“How bad am I hurt?”

“You’ll live, no thanks to your idiocy,” Gray said.

“Had to save you,” he said, and he squeezed Gray’s hand even though it made his IV site burn.

Gray squeezed back, but then he pulled away and shook his head. “I can’t do this. I—” He turned and stomped out of the room.

Mason leaned down and kissed Jack. “He’ll be back. He can’t get over the fact that this happened because he left his phone at home.”

“Don’t blame him.” Sleep was tugging at Jack, but he fought it. Mason and Gray needed him.

“I know you don’t, but getting Gray to stop blaming himself will take time.”

Jack had so many questions. Had his shot hit Morales? Where did the case stand? Did everyone know about him and Gray and Mason? How long would he be stuck here? But the doctor came in before he could say anything else. Gray entered right behind him.

The doctor was pleased with Jack’s recovery so far. During his exam, Jack learned that he’d been unconscious for a day and a half. The bullet he took had nicked a lung, but he’d come through surgery as well as could be expected and he could likely go home in a few days. He wouldn’t be able to return to police work for at least two months though. Jack glanced at Gray when work was mentioned, but Gray looked away, not giving Jack any clues about the likelihood he would be dealt a suspension having nothing to do with his medical leave. After what he’d done, he might not have a job at all.

When the doctor left, Jack tried to find the energy to ask his lovers more questions. Maybe if he just closed his eyes for a few seconds. No! Yes. That was it, resting would help. He’d just rest for a second.