Page 64 of Sorting Out

Marsh smiled. “If you want the job, you’ve got it. I’ll miss having you on my patrol roster, but you’re going where you need to be.”

“Thanks. For everything.” Jack knew it would embarrass the man if he mentioned outright how hard Marsh must have worked to keep him on the force, but Jack wanted him to know how appreciative he was.

The lieutenant gave a curt nod, but Jack saw the twinkle in his eyes. “Get out of here. I’ve got work to do, unlike some people.”

“Hey. I’m on medical leave.”

“Rest up. We’re going to work you good and hard when you get back.”

Jack grinned. “I can’t wait.”

Jack wanted to wait to tell Mason and Gray until they got home that evening, but Mason was off work, so he’d be home fairly early. There was no telling when Gray would get home, and if Jack saw Mason first, he wouldn’t be able to keep from spilling his news, so he sent a group text.

You’re texting with the newest member of the Triangle Area Youth Task Force.

Mason:Told you so.


Gray:Told you they weren’t stupid enough to turn you down. Celebrate tonight?

Jack shuddered.Hell yes.


Somehow that single, innocuous word made Jack shiver. He had to reach down and adjust himself so he’d be comfortable enough to drive. Gray and his “celebrations”. Jack wondered if he’d be able to walk the next day. Of course, since the doctor hadn’t cleared him to go back to work, Gray hadn’t cleared him for full bedroom participation either. Although, the last few nights they’d spent together, Jack hadn’t been certain Gray remembered his vow to treat Jack delicately, and Jack hadn’t been about to remind him.

Jack considered texting Henry about his new job, but instead he swung by the center to see him in person. He had to cut the wheel hard to park between two large pickups, and he sucked inhis breath as his chest twinged. Sometimes he still felt like he might rip in two. He wondered if that soreness would ever go away completely. His physical therapist said yes, but he wasn’t convinced.

When he stepped into the lobby, Andy was there, shaking hands with a couple who looked like prospective donors based on the expensive suits they were both wearing.

“We’ll give you a call tomorrow,” the man said.

“Thank you. I appreciate your interest.”

The couple turned toward the door, and Andy realized Jack was there.

“I suppose you know I was offered a position on the task force,” Jack said.

Andy’s cheeks reddened. “They told me not to say anything.”

“At least I know you can keep a secret.”

Andy smiled. “In my line of work, that’s a necessity. Are you excited?”

“Yes, I am. More than I thought I would be.”

“You’re perfect for it. We need men like you looking out for these kids.”

“Speaking of the kids, is Henry around?”

Andy nodded. “He should be. I saw him earlier. Unless he already left for—” Andy cut his words off abruptly.

“For what?”

Andy looked nervous. “Oh, nothing. I’m sure he’s here.”

“Is something wrong?”