Page 62 of Sorting Out

“Close. Too close. Can’t hold off.”

Gray wrapped a hand around Jack’s dick. “Come,” he said, the word barely more than a grunt. Jack did. Right that fucking second.

Gray followed right behind him, holding his hips, driving against him, making him lose his mind all over again.

When they were both drained, Gray pulled out and flopped over on his side. “Wow,” Jack said.

“Um yeah,” Mason responded.

Gray huffed something that wasn’t exactly a word; then they all laughed.

Jack pushed his sweaty hair off his forehead. “How long have we been needing this?”

“Coming out or a hot, hard fuck?” Gray asked.

“Both,” Jack and Mason answered simultaneously.

“Way too long.”


Aweek later, Jack and Henry sat at Nathan’s once again. Jack had just finished teaching his first cooking class at the center. Henry, Layla aka Pink-Haired Girl, and five others had shown up to learn how to make a simple chicken soup that tasted way better than anything canned. Henry assured Jack the class had been a success even if a few of the kids looked bored as hell the whole time.

He’d brought Henry to Nathan’s to surprise him. Mason had let Jack know there was an opening for a dishwasher, and he’d talked Elizabeth into interviewing Henry. But as usual, before he could explain about the job, Henry had sidetracked the conversation and gotten Jack talking about himself.

“Any word yet on your suspension?”

Jack nodded. “They cleared me. I can report to work once my doctor says I’m ready.”

Henry played with the straw in his soda. “Are you nervous?”

There was no point in lying to him. “Yeah. Gray’s lieutenant was invested in me staying on the force, and I found out why. He says his division is putting together a youth task force in conjunction with a few other agencies. He wants me to apply, but Thornton’s not the only one who has a say in hiring. I broke about a million regs when I rescued Gray, and I’d do the same thing again if someone’s life was on the line, and most everyone at the precinct knows that.”

Henry studied Jack for a few moments, took a sip of his drink, and then said, “It won’t hurt to apply.”

Jack frowned. Why did Henry always try to make things seem so simple? Coming out. Getting promoted.

He was right about coming out, wasn’t he?

Sort of.Gray had found a dildo and a fairy statue on his desk the next day, and Bryce had beat up a guy who’d given Mason grief about “banging two cops.” But nothing worse had happened. Yet.

“Speaking of work,” Jack said. “How would you like to work here?”

“What?” Henry stared at him.

“You. Work here. At Nathan’s. There’s a job opening for a dishwasher. It would give you a start on earning money to support yourself.”

Henry rolled his eyes. “Like they’re going to hire a runaway.”

“On my recommendation and Mason’s, they just might. Elizabeth is willing to interview you.”

Henry’s eyes widened. “You’re serious.”


“When does she want to talk to me?”

“Now would work, if you’re up for it.”