Page 57 of Sorting Out

“Been keeping him to yourself?” Jack whispered.

Mason laughed. “Wouldn’t you?”

“You should’ve told me you already had two hot men,” Bryce said. “I wouldn’t have flirted so hard.”

Jack felt Gray tense next to him. “Relax,” he whispered. “He’s just joking.”

Mason grinned, knowing what this was doing to Gray. “I would have, but this is actually the first time we’ve all decided to be open about our relationship.”

“What an entertaining way to go about it.”

“Gray got a little carried away,” Mason said.

“Mmm hmm.” Bryce nodded. “I don’t blame him.” He held his hand out for Gray to shake. “I’m Bryce. I’m a firefighter with Station Six, just catching shifts here to make a little extra. Both of you look familiar.”

Gray accepted the handshake, but he didn’t smile. “Detective Gray Sadler. Keep your hands off my men.”

Jack rolled his eyes. “I’m Jack. Gray and I were partners before he got promoted. That’s why we haven’t been public about our relationship before now, well part of the reason. And don’t mind him, he’s just a little…”

Bryce nodded. “Yeah, I get it. And I never step on another man’s turf. Mason’s safe with me.”

Jack liked Bryce, and he was glad that there was someone at Nathan’s who would have Mason’s back, especially considering the talk their display would stir up.

“You were shot, several weeks ago, right?” Bryce asked.

“Yeah, while saving his ass.” He ran a hand over Gray’s hair.

“I heard all about that. People speculated about you two then. Apparently Gray and Mason both made quite a fuss over you.”

“Well, now you know why.” A selfish part of Jack wished he could have seen his men jump into action to help him, not that he would ever have wanted to cause them so much pain, but for those dark times when he wondered if they really cared for him as much as he did for them. If he’d seen them that day, he might be more confident.

Jack suddenly remembered where he’d seen Bryce before. “You were at the Bank Street fire, and you went back in for a dog.”

“Yep that was my first call after moving here. No one ever claimed that dog, and he’s mine now.”

Whew! A hot firefighter who rescued dogs. He must get any man he wanted.

“I’d better get back to the bar before Elizabeth has my head for dragging someone out from the back to take my place. It’s nice to meet you both.” He inclined his head toward Jack and Gray.

“Nice to meet you too,” Jack responded. Gray grunted something probably meant to indicate acknowledgement of their meeting and a further warning to keep his hands off Mason.

“Mason, why don’t you go on home with them? Things are settling down, and I can handle it from here,” Bryce said.

“You sure?”

Bryce nodded and grinned. How did Mason work so closely with him without getting all flustered? He reminded Jack of Gray. Hehad that demeanor that said he could shove you up against a wall and show you things you’d never dreamed of.

Gray cupped Jack’s chin, yanked his head around, and cut off his squawk of protest with a ferocious kiss meant to stake his claim.

“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to do that?” Gray asked when he finally pulled back.

“Too long.” The embarrassment Jack felt at having been ravished in his favorite bar was nothing compared to the relief coursing through him. He could touch Gray any time he wanted. No more worrying about even a simple hug. He missed working with Gray every day, but experience had taught them they couldn’t think rationally when it came to each other. They would have ended up seriously compromising an investigation if they’d continued as partners.

Gray glanced toward the bar where Bryce was busy making drinks. “Look all you want, but Mason and I are the only ones who can make you surrender everything.”

Jack grinned, and Mason blushed adorably.

“He’s just eye candy,” Jack said. “I’m sure he has enough men to keep his hands full.”