Page 56 of Sorting Out

Heart pounding, Jack focused on an empty booth and walked toward it, trying not to notice the people around him. Chances were no one in the crowded room had even noticed that he was holding Gray’s hand, but if they had and were staring, he didn’t want to know about it.

He slid across the cool faux-leather booth, and Gray followed, cozying up next to Jack and wrapping an arm around him. Gray leaned down and flicked his tongue along the outer edge of Jack’s ear, making him shiver. “Relax.”

“I’m trying,” Jack responded.

“Good.” Gray’s warm breath and closeness were enough to make Jack want him desperately. He considered giving up on their night out and racing home to fuck, but he had to see this through.

Jack risked a glance around the room. The only people he saw watching them were a table of four women. They grinned at him, and heat filled his cheeks. They obviously had no problem with him cuddling with Gray.

Mason came out from behind the bar and headed their way, but before he reached their table, a couple of officers from another precinct came through the door. Jack didn’t know them well, but they would recognize him. How long would it take them to see him with Gray and Mason?

Mason slid into the opposite side of the booth. Gray stood, took him by the shirt, and pulled into a kiss. Jack wasn’t sure if Gray had intended the kiss to be a sweet greeting or something more, but the two of them lost themselves. One of the women from thevoyeuristic table whistled, and another whistle sounded from farther away. Oh fuck, they’d really done it now.

“Sadler, is that you?” It was one of the officers Jack had seen walking in.

“Fuck, Abney’s with him too.”

“So it’s true. You two really are queers.”

Gray released Mason and gave the men a look that would make most people turn and run. “Jack and I are partners, and Mason is our partner too.”

“Damn, two at once. How the hell did you get a deal like that?”

“They’re dudes, Rich. Don’t look so impressed.”

“Hell, any man who’s got two bitches to put it to is fucking impressive.”

Gray stood up, looming over them. “What did you just call my boyfriends?”

Jack sat frozen, looking back and forth from Gray to their fellow officers.

“You don’t mean to say you’re the one taking it up the ass?” Rich was obviously not very smart.

“Now that I’d pay to see,” the other man said. “Um… I mean if I liked to see guys getting it on, which I don’t because I’m not into that, but… Come on.” He grabbed Rich by the shoulder and they headed for the bar.

Jack knew he should be pissed, but instead, he was fighting to hold in a laugh. When Mason started cracking up, he couldn’t stand it any longer.

“You find that funny?” Gray asked.

“Well…yeah. They’re such morons. You can’t take them seriously when they’re so fucking dumb.”

Mason fought for breath after laughing himself silly. “Sounded to me like they might head to the bathroom to try it themselves.”

Gray grinned. “Maybe they will. A good fuck would improve their attitudes.”

Mason brushed his fingers over his lips. “By the way, what the fuckwasthat?”

Gray looked up at the ceiling, suddenly very interested in a light fixture. “What was what?”

“That kiss. Jack said we were going to open up, but damn, that was hot enough to steam the paint off the walls.”

Gray shrugged. “I got a little carried away.”

“I liked it.”

Jack grinned. “Apparently so did a few of our fans.” A few people were looking their way. He saw someone whispering, but no one looked particularly disgusted or like they intended to come over and challenge them. Of course, Gray being six four and built like a linebacker probably had a lot to do with that.

A tall, blond man with arms to die for stepped out from behind the bar and headed their way. Jack guessed he was the new bartender Mason had mentioned, a fireman who was new to town and earning a little extra by working a few bartending shifts a week. Mason had failed to mention that he was also fucking hot.