Page 54 of Sorting Out

“I’m going to help you. We’re going to find a way to keep you from ever having to live in a home where you’re mistreated. There’s got to be a way to either get to your inheritance or find a more permanent place for you to live.”

Henry shook his head. “No one cares about gay kids being mistreated.”

“Look at me.”

After a few seconds, Henry did. “I do. So trust me.”

“I do. I don’t know why, but I knew when I met you that I could trust you.”

Jack smiled. “I’m glad.”


By the time Jack pulled into his driveway after dropping Henry off, he had made a decision. He was done with hiding. He would ask Gray if they could go to Nathan’s and hold hands and kiss just like het couples, and to hell with what everyone thought. Mason could take his break with them and word would spread.

Shit would come down on them all, but Jack was ready. If Henry was brave enough to run away, to leave behind success and a future because he intended to be the man he really was, no matter who thought it was wrong or sinful, surely Jack had the courage to stand up to some homophobic assholes who hid behind their badges when they may well be watching Jack’s fine ass in the locker room anyway.

“Gray!” he called as he kicked the door shut behind him.

“Back here,” Gray called from the spare bedroom/office/playroom. Jack grinned, thinking he couldn’t wait to use it as playroom again.

Jack threw his coat over a kitchen chair and found Gray. He was in front of the computer, frowning at the screen.

“You working?”

Gray nodded.

“I thought you were going to relax?”

Gray waved a hand, dismissing the idea of taking it easy. “I got an idea and had to run with it.”

“You want to go out tonight?”

Gray did a double take. “What? Wait. Did you just ask me out?”

Jack grinned, glad to have shocked Gray. “I want to go to Nathan’s. I want to sit together on the same side of a booth. I want to hold hands, snuggle, kiss, do whatever couples do. Then I want Mason to join when he’s on break. I want to act like that’s the most natural thing in the world and to hell with what anyone says.”

Gray stared at him long enough for his heart to start pounding and uncertainty to make his palms grow sweaty.

“What brought this on?” Gray didn’t sound angry, but he wasn’t jumping on Jack’s idea either.

“I’m ready, completely, totally fucking ready. And, well…it was Henry’s idea.”

Gray frowned. “You talked to Henry about coming out?”

“Yep, right after he told me he’s gay. That’s why he ran away. His parents died and his grandparents wanted to pray the gay out of him. He gave up being the head of his class, his chance for a scholarship, everything and just ran. If he can do that…”

“Then you can handle a few pieces of shit like Thompkins.”

“Right. When I told Henry about us, he said to stop making such a big deal out of it, to just get out there and be myself. Henry and I went to Nathan’s, and when I introduced him to Mason, the way Mason looked at me, I realized that anyone who was paying attention would know just from the way he looked at me. It’s time, Gray.”

Gray grinned. “I?—”

“Don’t you dare say I told you so.”

His eyes twinkled. “I’d never do that.”

Jack rolled his eyes. “Right.” He pulled his phone from his pocket. “I’m going to text Mason and warn him if you’re really okay with this.”