Page 41 of Sorting Out

He was about to shake the bell ball when Mason unbuckled his gag and removed the plugs from his ears. “Are you okay?”

He tried to speak and couldn’t. So he simply nodded. Now that he could breathe through his mouth, his panic eased.

“Is the blindfold okay?”

Jack nodded again. He could talk; he could hear. He didn’t need to see his lovers, yet. Mason pushed a straw past his lips, and he sucked down water. He groaned as Gray licked up and down his shaft, and Gray chuckled as he pulled back and took the ball from Jack’s hand. Jack heard it rattle as he sat it down somewhere, probably on the floor by the bed.

Thwap. The strands of the flogger slapped his cock, and he cried out. The blow was nothing compared to what Gray had given him in the past, but his dick was so sensitive, so ready to blow. Jack dissolved into a crazy mix of pain and pleasure. How could he take more of this torture?

“So gorgeous.” Gray’s words encouraged him. He could do this because Gray and Mason wanted him to. He started to speak, to thank them, but Mason kissed him. Even now, with the ability to hear, the touch of Mason’s lips against his was intensified. His lips were warm, the pressure just right. Their tongues slid against each other.

Jack felt Gray shift on the bed, then he heard a sound that had to be the top of bottle of lube popping open. Gray moved back between his legs and took Jack’s cock in his hand. Jack gasped against Mason’s lips as Gray’s slicked-up fingers gripped his cock, pumping up and down.

“Please.” The word slipped from him.

“Please what?” Gray asked.

“Please, sir.”

“What are you begging for?” Mason’s voice this time. “For us to stop or give you more?”

“I don’t know.”

“He needs more,” Gray said, stroking Jack faster. “Right, my beautiful boy?”

Jack whimpered.

“You can do this. I know you can.”

Gray’s words anchored him, made him want to do what Gray asked. He tried to slow his breathing. Mason toyed with his nipples while raining kisses on his chest, his neck, his face. He focused on Mason’s mouth and Gray’s hand, trying to center himself, to take what they were giving without going over. This wasn’t about coming. This was about surrendering to Mason and Gray, to their pleasure. This was what he’d been missing since he’d been shot, really since Gray had become a detective.

Wild pleasure raced through Jack, but he was floating over and beyond it, serving, submitting. It was so good, so amazing so… “Gray!”

Gray had slid his other hand between Jack’s legs and pushed a finger inside him. All of the sudden he was there, on the edge again, ready to come. His balls drew up.No. Please. No.

Gray let him go.

Jack lay there, not daring to move, barely breathing.

Gray laid a hand on his abdomen. “Breathe in. Push my hand up,” he commanded and Jack did.

“Now let it out, all of it.”

Jack obeyed, trying to push out his fear and his need to struggle.

“Breathe in again,” Gray repeated.

They went through several cycles until Jack was calmer. He was thankful for the blindfold. It helped to center him, to take him beyond his own needs so he could be there for his lovers.

“Jack?” Gray’s voice was a barely-there whisper.

“Yes, sir?”

“You’re going to suck Mason now. I expect you to relax and let him all the way in. I’m going to put the bell ball in your hand again. If anything hurts or you need us to stop, you shake or drop it, and we will. Do you understand?”

Jack trembled. “Yes, sir.”

“Good. I’m going to fuck Mason as you suck him. I want you to listen, to enjoy the sounds of us fucking, but you will not come. Once we’re both satisfied, then it will be your turn.”