Page 3 of Sorting Out

Mason frowned. “Is that a good idea?”

“Apparently it’s a better one than making caramel corn and planning a movie night with my boyfriends.”

Mason studied him for a few seconds, then nodded. “Okay.”

“I was really looking forward to the three of us being home.”

Mason opened the freezer and extracted their bottle of vodka. Jack wasn’t sure there was enough of it to get him as drunk as he wanted to be. He wished he’d gone by the liquor store when he’d done the shopping that afternoon.

When Jack had scooped up the last of the popcorn and dumped their inedible snack in the trash, Mason set a vodka cranberry down in front of each of them. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Jack shook his head. “No, I want to get drunk and pass out.”

Mason glanced toward the living room. “I was looking forward to movie night, too.”

Jack sighed and drained half of his drink in one go. When Mason pulled out his phone, Jack reached to snatch it from him. “Don’t you dare text him to come home. I don’t want to talk right now. I’m not ready for the two of you to make it better.”

Mason blew out a long breath. “Fine, but I need to check on him. He’s as upset as you are, and he’s out there all alone.”

Jack’s stomach flip-flopped at that thought. He didn’t want Gray to be alone, didn’t want him hurting, but he was still so angry. He wasn’t sure he would ever stop being angry. “Okay.”

Mason sent a text, and while they waited for a reply, Jack made himself another drink, ignoring Mason’s concerned look.

When Mason’s phone beeped, relief washed over him.Why am I so worried about him when he’s been such an ass?

Because you love him, idiot.

I do. I fucking love him. So why did I run him off? Why is this happening? I just want?—

His thoughts were cut off by Mason words. “Gray’s at Undertow.”

“Fuck, a bunch of hipster twinks will be trying to get their paws on him.”

“Want to go rescue him?” Mason looked hopeful.

Jack did. He wanted to let go of his anger, find Gray, drag him home, and beg him to fuck him and Mason until none of them could stand up. Hell, another vodka or two and he might suggest they skip the trip home and use a bathroom stall at Undertow. But he wasn’t going to do any of that. He wasn’t going to let Gray think he could treat him like this, that he could make decisions for all of them. That wasn’t how their relationship was supposed to work.

He shook his head.

Mason sighed and texted a response to Gray. After a few minutes of silence, Mason said. “You would have bitched at him if he’d told you earlier.”

Anger fought with Jack’s remorse. “Fuck, no, I wouldn’t have.”

Mason raised a brow.

“Fine, but that doesn’t make it okay that he kept if from me.”

“No, it doesn’t.”

Jack drained his second vodka cranberry and reached for the bottle. The vodka wasn’t numbing him fast enough.

“Jack, remember how I promised to talk to you if I was freaking out?”

Jack poured vodka into his glass and nodded. “Yeah.”

“I’m freaking out right now.”

Jack glanced at him. Mason looked so fucking scared. He slipped off the barstool and maneuvered himself between Mason’s legs. “I love you,” he said as he wrapped his arms around Mason.He swayed and braced himself against the counter. Maybe the vodka had done a better job than he realized.