Page 21 of Sorting Out

Gray pumped his shaft, grunting and bucking into his hand until, with a hoarse shout, he started to come. Ropes of cum splashed onto Mason—his face, his neck, his chest. Mason’s cock twitched as Gray decorated him, despite the hard use he’d received.

When Gray was done, he dropped to his knees and started to clean Mason with his tongue. Jack joined him and soon Mason was lying down with Jack and Gray half on top of him. When they’d licked up every last drop of Gray’s cum, the three of them curled up on the rug and tried to catch their breaths.

“Wow!” Jack said and the others muttered their agreement.

“So you’re really a detective now?” Mason asked a few minutes later.

“I am,” Gray said. “Thornton called me into his office this morning and told me I had the job. I start Monday.”

“That’s fantastic,” Mason said.

“Yeah, it is.”

They snuggled in silence a while longer. “You okay with waiting to tell everyone about us, giving me a chance to adjust to the job?” Gray asked.

“That would be easier for me,” Jack said.

Mason rose up on his elbows and looked at Jack. “Are you okay with this?” he asked.

Jack remembered how he’d felt when Gray gave him the news. Happy. Genuinely happy. And after what they’d just shared, it was hard to believe anything could come between them. “I actually think I am.”

Gray kissed the top of his head, and Mason grinned. “This will be good for you. You’ll see.”


The radio chirruped. “Ten-One-Six at 115 Rankin Avenue, Apartment Alpha Ninner.”

Jack grabbed the radio. “On our way.”

Jack glanced over at Huck, his new partner. “Any doughnuts left?”

Huck picked up the bag they’d grabbed at Baking Smiles earlier and rattled it. “Nope.”

“Damn, I could really use a sugar rush before delving into this shit.”

He chewed his lip. “You think this one’s going to be bad?”

“Domestic disturbance? In this neighborhood? Almost certainly.”

“Fuck.” He looked pale.

Jack considered calling for backup. “You signed up for this,” he told Huck. Coddling him wouldn’t do him any favors. He needed to know that this was for real, and Jack expected him to dealaccordingly, rookie or not. Jack just prayed he could handle himself.

“I’ll be fine.” Huck sat up straighter in the seat and exhaled. “I won’t let you down.”

Jack nodded. “Good.” Huck would do as well as he could, possibly better than Jack, considering Jack’s heart was hammering harder than it had when he was the rookie.

He pulled into a spot in the lot of the shithole apartment complex they’d been summoned to. The long, gray buildings were all alike, dull rectangles with peeling paint, a few very creative insults spray-painted on them. The cars in the lot ran from pimpmobiles to early 90s economy cars held together with duct tape. Before Jack and Huck had gotten two steps from the car, gunfire echoed across the parking lot, three shots in rapid succession. Jack wished he could be certain it was connected to the domestic dispute they’d come to investigate, but in this neighborhood, shootings were all too common.

Before he had time to assess the situation, a woman carrying a handgun burst from a building and raced past them.

This time, Jack didn’t freeze. The cop in him took over, sending his fears running. He drew his weapon and yelled. “Stop. Police.”

The words didn’t even break her stride. Jack took off after her, radioing for back up as he ran with Huck following close behind him.

After a hundred yards or so, the woman stumbled, catching her foot in a pothole. Jack closed in. She scrambled up, but a limp slowed her down. A few seconds later, Jack tackled her. He cursed as his knuckles scraped on the pavement, but he managed to pin her wrists to the ground.

“Let go of your weapon.”