Page 17 of Sorting Out

“Not always.”

“Really?” How did he hide it so well?

Mason nodded and Gray growled. “Why didn’t you tell us you were still having trouble?”

“It’s nothing serious. I just get a fluttering in my stomach when I head into the office at the bar every once in a while. That’s all.”

“Maybe I need to send you to talk to someone too.”

Mason shook his head. “I did that already, remember? And I’m fine, really.”

Gray nodded, apparently satisfied that he was telling the truth. A few seconds later, their server returned with their food and they all tucked in.


Jack paced, circling through the kitchen, into the living room, down the hall, into the kitchen again, around and around.

“Sit down,” Mason admonished.

“I can’t.”

Mason glanced at the clock on the stove. “He’s not had time to finish the test yet.”

“I know but?—”

“Have a drink.”

“No, I need to be sober for this. Either way.”

Mason nodded. “Okay, have a piece of cake.”

Jack looked longingly at the chocolate cake he’d gotten up early to make that morning. “No, that’s to celebrate—or commiserate—with Gray. We can’t cut into it without him.”

“We could say we were eating it to send him good luck,” Mason said, grinning.

Jack shook his head. “I don’t think he’d buy that.”

“Me either. We could make out. Be ready for him.”

Jack stopped pacing and looked at Mason, trying to figure out if he was still joking around. “Really?”

“Just watching you is all it takes to stir me up. I want you, Jack.”

Jack licked his lips and looked Mason up and down.

Mason slid out of his seat onto his knees. “Come here,” he said, his voice low and breathy.

Jack walked across the kitchen as if literally pulled by Mason’s gaze. He undid his pants as he moved. When he was standing right in front of Mason, he pulled his cock out and stroked it. “Suck me,” he commanded.

Mason swallowed him down with no preliminaries, sucking, licking, pushing his hand between Jack’s legs so he could fondle his balls.

Jack groaned. “So damn good.”

“Mmm,” Mason hummed around him.

A few seconds later, Jack realized he wasn’t going to last for much more of this. He couldn’t come without Gray there. He pushed at Mason’s shoulders. “Enough.”

Mason pulled off slowly, then rose to his feet. They wrapped their arms around each other and kissed. Jack could taste his precum as he delved into his lover’s mouth, and he rutted against Mason, wishing Gray would hurry the fuck up, no longer so anxious about his exam, just wanting him to get home so they could all fuck.