Page 12 of Sorting Out

“I want an honest answer. Once I start, I intend to finish.”

Jack imagined the slicing pain, imagined Gray watching him suffer. He would scream for Gray under the cane, and Gray would be so proud of him. “Yes, sir.”

Gray stepped toward him. “You can move as much as you need to. Do not hold anything in. I know you can bear this, but not if you fight it.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Breathe in,” Gray commanded.

Jack did, as deeply as he could.

“And out.”

Jack exhaled and opened his eyes long enough to smile at Mason.

“Good, are you ready?” Gray asked.

“Yes, sir.”

Gray slapped the cane against Jack’s thigh, and Jack yelped. Gray hadn’t hit him hard, but it still hurt like holy fuck. He breathed, trying to let go. Gray caned his ass and paused, waiting for Jack to ease through it before another stroke fell. Jack’s bodywas on fire, but the pain rolled over him, and he floated. Another stinging slap and then another. “Gray!” he cried.

“You’re incredible, Jack.” Gray caressed his sore ass. “Three more. Count them.”

“One.” The word came out with a squeak. Pain seized him, and he tensed. Then Gray touched him, and he exhaled and sank into the leather of the bench.

“Mason, encourage him,” Gray said.

“Jack, you’re beautiful, so strong, so brave.” Mason was breathless, and Jack opened his eyes to look at his lover. The clamps swung as he leaned toward Jack. “I want to see you take it all, everything Gray has to give. So incredible. The way you submit to him.”

Jack smiled. He felt warm and good, like he could do anything for these men.

Gray thwacked the cane against him, just below the curve of his ass.

“Two.” The word came out choked. Jack writhed as the pain raced through him.

“Love you, Jack,” Mason said. The words centered him.

Gray brought the cane down on the sorest part of his ass. “Three,” he screamed. The word echoed in the room. Jack let everything go and floated, warm and happy.

“So proud of you,” Mason said. Jack concentrated on opening his eyes and smiling, and then his lids fluttered closed again.


The next thing Jack was aware of was Gray unlocking the cuffs. Gray lifted him and carried him to the low couch across the room. He laid him on a soft blanket and pressed a water bottle into his hands. “Are you okay?” Gray asked, petting him.

He nodded, not yet ready to speak.

“Watch me,” Gray said.

Jack had to fight the haze of sleepiness and pleasure to obey. Gray crossed the room to where Mason was still on his knees. “You are so lovely like this,” he said, cupping Mason’s chin and lifting his head so he looked up at Gray, then leaning down to brush a tender kiss over his lips. Without warning, he released the clamps on Mason’s nipples. Mason sucked in his breath, and Jack could see how hard he fought not to scream.

Gray gave him a hot, hungry kiss. Mason strained to touch him, fighting the bonds that held him. When Gray pulled back, he smiled. “Very good, boy. What do you want for a reward, a spanking or a fucking?”

Mason licked his lips. “I… Sir, I want to suck Jack off.”

Jack sucked in his breath. He was suddenly desperate to feel Mason’s lips around his cock.

Gray glanced at Jack and smiled. Then he looked back at Mason. “You’d do that and give up the chance to be fucked yourself?”