Page 132 of Heir of Corruption

I knew this would be one question came up this morning, and I'm ready for it.

While I'm one hundred percent certain that this meeting with the Hong Kong representative is going to go as planned and we will end our differences, I also have to let my family know that my loyalty lies with them.

“If negotiations don’t go as planned, then that is another story. But we can cross that bridge when we come to it, and nothing is to happen without my confirmation. Is everyone clear on that?”

“Agreed. Yes, we are all clear on it. Are you meeting with him today?”

“Yes, we are having our first meeting today. Then, we will each discuss the outcomes of that meeting with our respective people and meet again, if needed. I’ll keep all of you in the loop and call you in for another meeting to discuss the options. I value your opinions and input. And again, thank you for your contributions.”

“But Antonio, are you sure you want to meet him alone? Don’t you feel that It'srisky to do that?”

“No, not with my background and history. I have the upper hand. I know how they do business, and they have a high standard of respect for agreed terms. We have called a cease-fire from both sides. There is no danger for the time being. Also, the smaller the meeting, the more intimate, the less risk I believe there will be.”

The men nod.

I stand, ready to move on to the next thing. I have a lot to do today, and I don’t want to be roped into a long conversation about this.

“Thank you for coming in this morning.”

One by one they stand up and make their way out of the boardroom, and I wait, watching them, my body tense and my mind busy. I'm building my presentation piece by piece in my mind.

This is a huge burden I have taken on, and even though I'm sure It'sgoing to work out, there are always risks. No matter how many possibilities you try to prepare for, things can go wrong. I have faith in the fact my family is open to this, but I also have to accept that there might always be someone who wants to play a bad hand in the game.

I'm determined, though, and when I set my mind on something, no matter how big a task it is, I make it happen.

Besides, there is more at stake for me than business negotiations. This is about the girl that I love and my future with her. Our lives will be so much easier with this feud ends.

Not long after my morning meeting with my people ends, I'm headed toward the boardroom to meet with Seraphina’s grandfather. It’s a large, open space, hosting a massive mahogany table in the center, stainless steel and leather chairs around it, and massive windows that stretch across the entire room, filling the room with light - and, of course, the most magnificent views of New York City.

I arrive early so that I can get my bearings. I walk into the very impressive space and my two bodyguards follow me in, so I turn toward them, gesturing for them to wait outside.

They look a little puzzled, knowing that I'm meeting with a member of the Hong Kong mafia, but they do as they are told.

Muchen Hanoi arrives ten minutes later, and before he enters the room, I see him talking to his bodyguards, gesturing to them they should wait outside as well.

I watch for a moment as each of our security team's eyes each other, but it remains respectable. Good.

Muchen arrives wearing a black high collar suit, in traditional style. His gray hair is swept back, and his shoes are polished to perfection. He looks older than I remember, but I know that the one and only time I have ever met him face-to-face was many years ago.

The deep lines etched into his face give him a wizened appearance, a man of much experience in many aspects of life.

He walks with dignity and poise, entering the room with an aura that demands respect.

His voice is firm and confident.

“Good afternoon, Antonio. It’s good to meet you.” He nods his head in greeting.

“And you, Mr. Hanoi. I hope your flight here was a comfortable one?” I bow.

“Oh, yes, very comfortable.”

“Is it your first time in New York?”

“I was here so long ago, and so much has changed that it may as well be my first time. The world moves, growing. New York is not the same city I remember it to be.”

“Cities change, and people change, and I hope today we can change the way things have been between our families.”

“As do I, Antonio.”