Page 121 of Heir of Corruption

“Many times. He doesn’t answer.”

“I see.”

My father sips his tea.

“I'm sorry for coming here with this, but I have nowhere else to go. I don’t know who to call or any other way to reach him. I hoped maybe you know someone, or maybe you heard something?”

“Seraphina, I have not been part of that world for a very long time. The man who helped me when I told Antonio where his friend was is now dead. This is a very dangerous world that you are becoming a part of, and if I had my way, you would stay very far away from all of it.”

“That will not happen. If you can’t help me, I need to go back to the hotel and figure something else out.”

“Don’t do that. Don’t go back. You don't know if anyone has figured out where he was staying; they might have him, and theymight come for you to use you as leverage against him. Please, don’t go back.”

“I can’t just sit around drinking tea.” I huff, frustrated.

“Seraphina, if they find you - you know what they do. You know how this works. I can’t lose you. I lost your mother, and I can’t lose you, too. I'm was not begging you, don’t go back to the hotel. Just stay here until you can reach Antonio on his phone. You have yours. He can call you, please, just don’t go back.”

Staring into my father’s eyes, I can see the sincerity and concern in them. Deep, intense concern. Life and death. He is terrified because he knows what they are capable of. This makes me more worried about Antonio.

But, after a quiet moment of reflection, I have to accept that he is right. I’ll be safer here, especially if something has happened to Antonio. And what would I achieve by going back to the hotel? I don't know how to contact anyone.

“Alright, I’ll stay. At least for now.”

I lean back against the sofa, feeling lost and helpless.

Where is Antonio?



“Lucas put a hitout on her,” Arton confirms.

“Seraphina? They know who she is? How?”

“He has had his men trailing you for a while now, not in person, but through your phone. We just found out.”

I pick up my phone off the office table. We are in the warehouse I have inherited from my father, trying to organize and plan our attack against Lucas. It has been a long day, and it is already past midnight. Looking at my phone, I realize I have not messaged her all day. It is probably for the best if they have been tracking me. We don’t currently know where Lucas is, but the team is pulling together efficiently and ready for action.

I stare at the device in my hands, my mind rushing over everything that was on it. If they have accessed my phone, that means they have access to my messages, my call logs, and my locations.

They will know exactly where Seraphina is. They will know which hotel we are staying at.


I pull the SIM card from the device. I can’t even risk warning her, as they get the message as well. I break the card and drop the phone to the floor, smashing it beneath my heavy boot.

“Get me a new phone,” I demand, speaking to one of the men standing nearby.

“Yes, sir. There are burner phones in the safe. I’ll get you one of those for now.”

“Do you want me to send someone to the hotel?” Arton asks, seeing the tension on my face.

“I’ll go there myself. I want to ensure that every man is armed and ready because as soon as I have her safely with me, I want to launch an attack. This man is going to feel the full wrath of what it feels like to fuck with me.”

“I’ll cover everything here and keep you in the loop. It won’t take long now. We have sent out the request for a family meeting, andmost of them have responded. Once my father responds, and we know he will be there, we will be ready.”

I slip the new sim card into the new phone and switch it on, but even with this phone, I don’t want to risk phoning her and warning her, as her phone or even the hotel lines might be traced. I need to go there. It is the best way to do this.