He hums thoughtfully. “So, bad luck and miscommunication on both our ends. I’m sorry.”

I shrug and tickle Armani’s belly, making her giggle. “It is what it is.” I glance up at him. “But why go to so much effort to find me?”

He closes his eyes, apparently steeling himself for something. “I was just getting to that. Have you heard of fated mates?”

I nod. I’ve never met a fated pair before, but it shows up all the time on holostreams and is an aspect of Sathior’s virgin persona. Supposedly, she’s saving sex for her fated mate. But why is he bringing it up now?

“You and I are fated mates, Tania. I knew it from the moment we first touched.”

I suppose I should be shocked, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. When we first met, I felt this pull to him, like we were two electromagnets drawn inexorably to one another by unseen forces.

This is a lot to process. All of it good, but it’s still a lot. A smile spreads across my face. “It all makes sense now. After coming back here, I could not get you out of my head no matter how hard I tried.”

He chuckles. “Same. It sometimes made it hard to focus on my mission.”

“Your mission?” I repeat, raising my eyebrows.

“Yeah, it’s why I took so long to find you. The mission I was on went south, and I was in prison for a couple months.” He stands Armani up and wiggles her, much to her delight. “But your daddy broke out of prison to come find your mommy. And you too, but you were a surprise.”

Her giggle becomes a yawn, and she rubs her eyes with her knuckles. “I think someone’s getting sleepy,” I say. “You wanna kiss her goodnight? I think it’s time for her to go to bed.”

He dutifully kisses her forehead and hands her to me. I do the same to her, rocking her for a minute because that’s all she needs tonight to fall asleep in my arms, and then laying her down.

Taking my seat on the couch again, I lean my head on his shoulder. “You know, retaking an important test and then being a POW is probably the wildest explanation I've ever had for being stood up."

"It’s all true, I promise.”

I stretch up to peck his lips. “I know.” The chaste kiss awakens a hunger in us, and I deepen it, wrapping my arms around him and straddling his legs. Having him here with me and Armani feels right. It feels like a missing piece of our family puzzle has slotted into place.

And I cannot wait to see how well the two of us slot together as a couple.



Iwatch as Tania lays the baby in her crib. She sings the sweetest lullaby as she hovers over Armani, her hand gently patting our little one’s back.

It stirs something deep within me, watching the mother of my child, the woman I love, tending to this babe that I never even knew existed. I'm happy, though. I truly am.

I feel complete.

As Tania leaves the baby's room, I hear the click of her shoes against the wooden floor. She makes her way toward the kitchen and I get up from the couch to follow her, my footfalls muffled by the thin carpet.

The moment I reach her, her arms circle my neck and I lean down to kiss her. Nothing has ever felt more right than being here with her and knowing our child is fast asleep in the other room.

My family....

She tilts her head and deepens the kiss, her tongue teasing mine. I respond eagerly, happy at the warmth of her touch. The scent of her silky, blonde hair fills my nostrils and makes mewant to pull her even closer. Her body presses against mine and I can feel my heart beating wildly in my chest.

Breathlessly, she pulls away and smiles up at me. "I'm glad you're here," she whispers softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

I nod in agreement, my mind still foggy from the passionate kiss. "Me too."

She giggles softly, a sound that never fails to make my heart melt. Leaning in again, she nuzzles her nose against mine. "You know what else would make me happy?" she asks with a seductive smile.

"Tell me," I reply, my voice huskier than usual with desire.

Her fingers trace along my jawline before trailing down to the hem of my shirt. With a gentle tug, she pulls it over my head and tosses it aside, revealing my muscular chest.