She grins. “You’re the best.”

“And don’t you forget it.”

She hooks her arm around mine and leads me out of the building. “Trust me, it’s better if we find someplace more privateto talk. Besides, I just got off a shift and need to run some errands. I don’t have time to do both, so we’ll have to multitask.”

“Sathior really works you hard,” I say.

Alice rolls her eyes. “You have no idea. She’s become something of a dictator in the past few months.”

We head into a pharmacy. She presses her prescription code into the computer, and we take a seat in the waiting area. “We’re all on mandatory birth control after she lost two workers to pregnancy within a few months of each other,” she explains. “Even if we’re not getting laid—we’re not supposed to anyway—we still have to be on it.”

Leaning in towards me, she rests her elbows on her knees. “I’m assuming you’re here looking for Tania.”

I nod. “And I’m assuming you know where she is.”

“I do.” She squints suspiciously at me. “Why do you want to find her?”

“I think that’s our business, not yours,” I snap, my irritation outweighing my common sense. It’s obvious that she’s just being protective of Tania, but I’m so close to finding my mate and she feels like yet another obstacle.

Her jaw sets. “Look, I need to get an idea about the kind of man you are. A lot has changed for Tania since you met and then stood her up, and I want to be sure that you actually care enough to do right by her.”

“Is she okay?” I feel a sudden stab of panic. Did she get hurt? Is she sick? What’s going on?

“Physically, she’s fine. Mentally and emotionally is another story, and no, it’s not just because you stood her up. So, again I ask, why do you want to find her so badly?”

“She’s my fated mate. I know that I fucked up by being a no-show at the last date. I had to miss a test to help her, and they gave me the chance to make it up. I sent her a note to let her know about the change in plans, but I guess she never got it.”

Alice relaxes at this revelation. “Okay, thank you. I’m glad to hear it. But if you’re lying, I’ll skin you alive and use one of Sathior’s sewing machines to make some nice Kaleidian skin leather boots.”

I like this human. “Understood. I don’t want to upend her life or anything. I just want to find her so we can talk.”

“Bit late for that,” Alice mutters.

I blink. “What?”

She takes a slow breath in and out, and I can see that she’s trying to formulate the words she wants to say in her mind. “You might have stood her up, but let’s just say you left Tania with a little going away present. Sathior found out, and fired her, and now we’re all on birth control and are strongly encouraged to be chaperoned on outings with the opposite sex.”

For a second, nothing she says computes. I left Tania a going away present? And then it hits me like a hoverbus. “Alice, are you saying what I think you’re saying? Do I have a child with Tania?”

My joy must be obvious, because she smiles, and all the bitterness and standoffishness from before melts away. “Congratulations, papa. You have a wonderful baby girl. Her name is Armani.”

I smile wide enough for my cheeks to hurt. “I can’t believe it. Where are they? Is she willing to talk?”

“Let me give you the address,” she says, typing it into her comms and sending it to me. “She should be home right now.”

“Thank you so much. I owe you everything.” Leaping to my feet, I rush out of the pharmacy and down the street in the direction of Tania’s apartment.

It’s time to finally find my mate and meet my daughter.



Armani sits in her highchair playing with her nutrient paste. I smile as she blows raspberries and licks her fingers. Only a few months old and she’s already developed far past the average human at this age. I still feed her milk and formula, but I’ve been introducing nutrient pastes to her.

“Are you having fun?” I ask as I grab my own plate from the food synthesizer. As hard as it’s been, I am grateful that I spent a good portion of my money on a lifetime membership to its services. It cost half of what I saved up, but it means that no matter what happens, Armani and I will at least have access to food.

Rent is another story. It’ll be tight, but if I can find at least three more repair jobs by the end of the month, I might be able to afford this apartment. Might.