I put the dress on the table and hunch over it, making it look like I’m taking measurements or something. But I don’t have the tape!

Suddenly, I hear a faint knock at the door. My head snaps up, and I see Sathior. Even though it’s after hours, she’s still wearing a fabulous ivory overcoat and hat ensemble. No matter what room she’s in, she’s always the center of attention.

The hat practically fills the door frame, and the coat makes her look two sizes bigger than she actually is. Her entire body blocks out the rest of the doorway.

“Tania? What are you doing here?” Sathior asks.

“Oh, um, just trying to get some work done on this project. I love this dress, and I think it would be good to feature at the next show. I know we’ve put it off, but I just couldn’t help myself. I didn’t want to waste time on it during regular hours.”

I feel like I’m stuttering and stumbling over my words. My heart is racing, and I can feel every pulse beat through my body.

Sathior makes her way over to me. Every movement is perfect and smooth as if she choreographed it all. She slides around the tables and sashays up to me. She looks over the dress, as if inspecting it.

“Really? You’re putting in extra hours on this?” She holds it up to look at it some more.

“Yes, I think it’s such a beautiful piece, don’t you?”

She looks me in the eye, and I swear the game is up. There’s no way she doesn’t know I’m guilty of something. I curse myself for not coming up with a valid excuse before coming here.

She smiles. “I think it has potential, too, Tania. Not exactly my finest work, but it’s got some panache. I’m surprised you like it, though. You never really showed interest in it before.”

“Well, I guess after the last show, I’m just trying to think outside the box and let my creativity shine.” I chuckle.

“That’s amazing. I love that you’re showing initiative. It shows me that you really care about the art of what we do. It’s so much more than fabric and seams. It’s a canvas draped over the skin.” Sathior emphasizes her words with bold yet graceful hand and arm motions. It’s almost like she’s showing off for the camera, even when there’s not one present.

“I agree. Fashion takes dedication and attention to detail. One wrong seam could ruin a dress.”

She grabs my shoulder and looks me in the eye. She has fire behind her pupils. “Yes! Exactly!”

She looks back down at the dress on the table. “So what have you done to it so far? Show me.”

I freeze. A tingling feeling radiates out from my stomach as I think of a good lie. “Actually, you got here just after I did. I’ve only been here a few minutes. I was taking measurements and was going to try a few things. Nothing big, really. I guess I’m just hoping inspiration will strike.” I feel like I’m babbling again.

She pauses and looks me over. “I see. Well, make sure to show me what you come up with at work tomorrow. I’m excited to see your creative side.”

She squeezes my shoulder again before turning away. She pauses and looks down at something. It’s the measuring tape, on another table.

“You were measuring it?”

“Yes, I was wondering where that tape went. I was like, ‘I just had it!’” I laugh and walk over to grab the tape, but she holds it away from me.

“Are you feeling okay, Tania? You look a little flushed.” She stares into my eyes again. My whole body feels numb.

“To be honest, when I heard you up front, I thought you were like a burglar or something. I admit I was panicking a little bit. I guess my nerves are still going crazy.” Please let this work, please let this work.

“But you were hunched over when I walked in?” She asks.

“Reflex.” I shrug. “I told myself it was either you or Alice, but part of me was scared to death that I would have to fight my way out of here.”

She smiles and hands me the tape. “Of course. Well, you can rest easy. I won’t fight you, Tania. Tonight, that is.” She winks.

I laugh again and roll the tape in my hands, unsure of what to do.

“I just came in to grab a few things, but I’ll see you tomorrow. Can’t wait to see your adjustments!” She says the last few words in a sing-songy voice as she strolls away from me. Everything about her is over-the-top, but it works so well.

As she exits the room, I release the tension in my muscles. I collapse into a nearby chair, allowing myself to catch my breath.

That was way too close. I think she suspects something, but doesn’t know what.