Tomorrow they’d be hurtled back into the reality of their situation. But would Jens allow them to have tonight? She hoped so. Something about being on this yacht and away from her real life, Bergen and their situation made her feel brave. Or maybe she would be voicing what they both wanted. She knew he desired her as much as she did him. The heat between them wasn’t going anywhere. Maybe if they got it out of their systems, they could move past it. They could set each other on fire—just looking at each other made sparks fly and wildfires start. Despite the issues between them, and their complicated pasts, they’d been building up to this since they’d reunited weeks ago. How they’d lasted this long, Maja didn’t know.
She watched as he sat next to her, relaxing on the reclining cushions, his long fingers wrapped around the bowl of his glass. With his messy hair and stubbled cheeks, and slightly sunburned nose, he looked younger tonight than he normally did, and not nearly as remote.
He looked like the young man she’d been so in love with.
‘I want to make love with you.’
Maja was shocked that the words slipped out so easily, and nearly slapped her hand against her mouth.
Jens stared at her with burning eyes, but he didn’t move a muscle and Maja knew that if she wanted him naked, she would have to make the move. She put her glass down and scooted closer to him and lowered her head to skim her lips across his mouth. How could something so wrong feel so very right?
Should she stop this now, while she could? Sensible Maja said yes, but she wasn’t interested in anythingshehad to say. She wanted Jens, she craved him. She needed him, needed tonight. Maja knew she was playing with a firestorm and that it had the potential to consume her. But she didn’t care. With him, it didn’t matter she was dancing with fire. She was prepared for the lick of flame, the searing of her skin and her soul.
‘This isn’t a good idea, Maja.’
‘I know, but so what?’ She lifted her shoulders in a careless shrug. ‘I’m so tired of doing what I should, Jens, what’s sensible and safe. I want you to make love to me. I need you inside me, completing me, making me feel the way only you can.’
‘How do I make you feel, Maja?’ he asked, his thumb rubbing the length of her collarbone.
She lifted her hand to hold his face, her fingers skating over the short stubble on his jaw. ‘You make me feel like me,’ she replied. And it was true: naked in his arms, everything superfluous melted away and she became the essence of who she was, unimpeded by her birth name. She liked being Jens’s lover, she always had.
She turned her head, found his lips with hers and knew this was where she wanted to be, right now, possibly for ever. His mouth covered hers and then his tongue was inside her mouth, seeking, taking, exploring. He made her feel as if she were surfing the edges of a tornado, flying over the edge of a snowy cliff, surfing a monster wave.
He tasted of the cognac they’d been drinking, tinged with the colours of the sunset they’d watched sink between the mountains and behind the sea. He tasted of deep purples, and violet indigos, of masculine intensity and raunchy sex. He tasted wild and free, and she wanted more.
She wanted everything he could give her.
Jens pulled his mouth off hers to look down at her and, in the romantic lighting in this area of the yacht, she saw the sexy combination of need and longing in his eyes.
He groaned. ‘You’re killing me, Maja.’
‘You’ll kill me if you don’t take me inside and make love to me, Jensen,’ Maja informed him, pushing her nose into his neck and inhaling the scent of sea and soap. She wouldn’t ask again. Jens would either take her up on her offer or this was as far as they would go...
Maja waited for him to make up his mind, conscious of his fingers on her butt pushing into her flesh. She knew he was running scenarios, weighing up the pros and cons, but she thought that with every few passing seconds he lost a little tension, and became a little more relaxed.
Maybe, just maybe she’d get lucky. Maybe he’d kiss her neck again, run his lips over her jaw, down her neck, lick the top of her breast...
Maja was midway through her fantasy when he yanked her shirt up her body and cold air hit her skin. Her eyes slammed into his and within those dark depths she saw frustration—with himself or with her?—and pent-up desire. Despite it being chilly, she remained on her knees, her nipples pebbling against the lace of her bra. She swallowed when she saw Jens looking at her as though she was everything he’d been waiting for, all he’d ever wanted.
He cupped her breast, testing its weight, and his thumb rolled across her nipple, and pleasure skittered through her, into her womb and between her legs. He did it again, and she arched her back and released a small gasp.
‘Do you like that?’ he growled.
‘You know I do,’ Maja replied, her voice sexy and scratchy. ‘Do it again.’
He teased her other nipple before lowering his head to pull it, fabric and all, into his mouth. The night air rattled over her body, but she didn’t care. The appreciation she saw in his eyes and the need on his face created a warm buzz within her. Nothing mattered but Jens loving her...
Jens yanked her towards him, and her legs wrapped around his hips. He rose to his feet, easily holding her weight. After dragging his mouth across hers, he walked her into the lounge and steered left to walk down the narrow hallway leading to the master suite. The lounge and galley were deserted, and the running lights tossed shadows onto Jens’s face.
He walked down the stairs, deposited her on the bed and leaned over her. He brushed her hair off her face and lightly gripped her chin. ‘I didn’t bring protection, did you?’
Maja had to think. No, she had a box in Edinburgh, but sex hadn’t been on her mind when she’d packed for Norway. She shook her head. ‘But I’m on one of those fancy IUDs,’ she told him, forcing herself to think. ‘And it’s been a while so I’m clean.’
He nodded. ‘I always use condoms, so I am too,’ he told her. He ran his hand down her chest, creating a band of fire before stopping at the button of her jeans. ‘Are you sure, Maja?’
She stroked her fingers through his hair. It was as soft as she remembered. ‘Yes. Ineedyou. I need this.’
Jens, with his hands on either side of her head, fed her a long kiss, and Maja locked her arms around his neck, welcoming his weight, his chest flattening her breasts. His tongue invaded her mouth and tangled with hers, pushing her for more, testing to see the depths of her passion.