Page 10 of Stay

“She’s older than you…twenty-three.”

“Not by much,” I say.

“The little twerp is a pain in my backside, but I love her,” he says.

“Sounds familiar,” Weston mutters, giving me a pointed look.

I don’t love the way this conversation is going. My brother is a measly three years older than me, so he can back the hell off of sounding like an authority on age, and I still have no idea how old Sutton is, but I’d rather him not think of me as a kid.

Sutton chuckles. “You guys remind me of us. And yes, all my siblings are here in Landmark Mountain,” Sutton adds. “You’ll meet them and their significant others soon.”

But doyouhave a significant otheris what I want to know.

“Is Scarlett the youngest?” I ask.

“Yes, and I’m the oldest, with three brothers between Scarlett and me.” He hefts a heavy box of books up like it’s nothing and walks toward the stairs leading to my room.

Weston sets the boxes of books and clothes on the ground and takes the bookshelf out. “I’ll take this up there first and then you can start organizing your books,” he says.

“Thanks, West.”

“Nice guy,” he says, nodding toward Sutton. “Much more laid-back than what I was expecting from a judge,” he says under his breath. “Is it going to be weird for you though? Living so close and working with him?”

I turn before he sees my flushed cheeks and pick up a couple of boxes, following him. “Nah. I’ll have space.”

When I saw where I’d be staying the other day, I was relieved I wouldn’t be staying in the main house. It’ll be nice to come and go without running into anyone when I have free time.

Owen has the lamp plugged in and it’s right where I wanted it—by the comfortable chair. The place is simple and cozy, with a queen bed and a single barstool by the counter. A pretty picture of wildflowers in the valley of gorgeous mountain peaks hangs near the counter, and when I step closer, I see Sutton’s name on the lower right side.

“You’re a photographer?” I ask.

He looks slightly embarrassed, a dimple tucking in when he smiles. “I dabble,” he says. “Scarlett insisted on hanging that in here,” he adds gruffly.

“It’sbeautiful,” I say.

“Dad won awards for his photography,” Owen says.

“In another life,” Sutton says.

I can tell it’s making him uncomfortable to talk about himself, but I want to know all the things.

“My two favorites are in my room,” Owen adds. “They’reawesome.One of them is at the top of those mountains right there,” he points out the window, “and you can see our house and our family resort andallof Landmark Mountain.” He grins up at his dad.

“My one and only fan right here,” Sutton says, ruffling Owen’s hair.

“Not true.Everyoneloves your pictures, Dad. And then the other one in my room is of Lucia and Delgado,” Owen tells me. “They’re the best. Well, Fred is too, but I don’t think Dad has taken a picture of Fred yet.” He frowns at Sutton. “You should take a picture of Fred.”

Sutton laughs and squeezes Owen’s shoulder, leading him out the door. “You’re right. Can’t leave Fred out.”

“Lucia and Delgado and Fred are my aunts’ and uncles’ dogs,” Owen says over his shoulder as I follow them down the steps. “Lucia and Delgado belong to Aunt Scarlett and her boyfriend Uncle Jamison—so, he’s not really my uncle yet, but I think he will be one day, so that’s why I saiduncles. And Fred belongs to Uncle Theo and Aunt Sofie...they’re married now, so she really is my aunt.”

“Someone is excited you’re here,” Sutton leans over and whispers once we’re walking toward the SUV, and I feel a trace of his warm breath against my skin.

There’s so much Owen said that I need to unpack. They have a family resort? And all the names. I need a chart to know who’s who. But for now, all I know is that every hair follicle stands on end when Sutton whispers in my ear.

“I really, really,reallywant my own dog,” Owen says. “And I’ve finally got my dad talked into it too.” He glances back at Sutton, a worried look on his face. “See? Ican’tgo to Arizona,” he says quietly.

“We’ve got some things to figure out, buddy,” Sutton says.