“Walk me through an afternoon after you pick Owen up from school.”
She leans forward and wipes her hands on her jeans, one of her long legs bouncing up and down until she realizes it and then stops.
“Well, I’d want to know all his favorite things to do, so we’d have several options. But first, we’d get home and I’d give him a snack and let him unwind for a little bit before starting his homework. Depending on how much time is left between then and dinner, we’d either do one of his favorite activities, or while I’m making dinner—you mentioned needing help with that a few nights a week—he could either help me or he could set the table. I’d have him take a bath or shower after dinner since that would make mornings go easier, and we could read before bedtime…if you still needed me for that kind of thing.”
I nod, happy with her answer. “Do you have time to meet Owen this afternoon?”
Her eyes widen and she smiles. “Of course. I’d love to meet him.”
“I asked Grinny, my grandmother, to pick him up today. She’ll be here in just a few minutes. She’s helped a lot and is willing to keep doing so, but I want to give her a break. She’s long overdue one.” I leave it at that.
Grinny and Granddad never had the chance to just be grandparents. My parents died in a car accident right before my fifteenth birthday, leaving my three younger brothers, two-year-old sister, and me devastated but in capable hands. I tried to do my part to help out, but I was grieving and angry and I didn’t always make the best decisions.
My ex-wife Tracy being one of those decisions.
We dated on and mostly off throughout high school and college, breaking up more than we were together. But when she got pregnant during a weekend we were contemplating getting back together, I asked her to marry me, and she said yes. Our marriage lasted a year and was a mistake, but she’s the mother of the best gift of my life, so I don’t regret it.
Our not-so-amicable divorce cured any desire I ever felt for her, and I’ve never gone back on that, despite her occasional efforts to seduce me. Sex was never our problem; it was everything else. She’s going through her second divorce now and taking a new job in Arizona, so I’m hoping the attempts at seduction are a thing of the past.
Just then there’s a tap on the door and it opens, Owen rushing in and Grinny right behind him.
“Is she here?” Owen asks. He comes to an abrupt stop when he sees Felicity in our living room. “Oh, hi,” he says. “I’m Owen.”
Felicity stands and reaches out to shake his hand. He grins up at her and she gives him a smile that I haven’t seen from her yet.
“Hi, Owen. I’m Felicity. Did you have a good day at school?”
“It was okay. I was more excited to see if you’d be here when I got home. Dad said if he liked you in person, I’d get to meet you. And if not…” He makes a slicing gesture across his neck, laughing. “He must like you.” He smiles over at me and I laugh, swiping a hand down my face.
Grinny’s head falls back as she laughs. “I don’t know whether to fuss at you, Sutton Henry Landmark, or to just laugh.” She reaches out and squeezes Felicity’s shoulder. “Hi, dear. I’m Grinny. You’ll have to excuse the manners on this one,he’s a judge and all, but sometimes he’s more trouble than all of the Landmarks combined. I assure you, there will be no,” she mimics Owen’s slicing gesture across her neck, “while I’m around.”
Between my son and my grandmother, I can’t get away with anything.
Felicity’s laughing when she glances at me too and I feel it like a sharp arrow pricking my chest.Damn, she’s gorgeous.
“Good to know. Glad I’m in safe hands with you, Grinny. And hopefully you too, Owen.” Her eyes are on me as she says it, and too many things in me spark to life.
Owen nods excitedly. “Don’t worry. I’ve got your back.”
“Already siding with her? I’m not sure this is a good sign,” I tease.
I wait to see if Felicity has anything to add and when she just smiles sweetly at Owen and then me, I reach out my hand. “Looks like the job is yours if you want it.”
She clasps my hand and there’s an electric shock when our skin touches this time.
“Oh!” she says in surprise. I’m not sure if it’s from the shock or that I’ve offered her the job. “Thank you so much.”
“Don’t make me regret this,” I say, still in a teasing voice.
But she swallows hard. “I won’t, sir.”
And the way those words send a jolt of lust through me has me wishing I could take it all back.
God, I hope this isn’t a mistake.