“You don’t need to apologize.”
I bump her shoulder with mine. “I’m jealous my family got to spend time with you without me there to enjoy it, and Owen’s going to be both thrilled and sad that he wasn’t there when you saw Lucia and Delgado.”
She makes a face. “I know. I thought about that too…but, I know a secret that is going to make Owen so happy, he won’t even care.”
She shakes her head and zips her lips. “Nuh-uh. I promised Scarlett I’d let her be the one to tell Owen and she’s waiting until the two of you are together.”
“You’re really not going to tell me anything?”
She wrinkles up her nose. “Sorry…but no.”
I laugh. “You’re not sorry.”
“No, not really.” She tries to keep a straight face but cracks up.
“I’ve missed you like crazy,” I tell her.
She turns to look at me and blinks, her lips slightly parted.
“And it’s fucking hard to be this close and not kiss you,” I add.
“So kiss me.” She grins, lifting a shoulder.
I stare at her, taking in her beautiful face.
“That’s not exactly keeping things private...” I wish I could take it back as soon as I’ve said it.
“Right.” She nods, turning to look ahead.
“I’ve missed you too,” she says softly.
We reach the end of the lift and when we ski off to the side, everyone’s huddled near the top of the longest run.
“There you are,” Sofie says when she sees Felicity and then she notices me. “Hey, Sutton, I didn’t know you were coming. This is great. Guys, look who’s here.”
They all turn and I’m pounded on the back by Theo and Wyatt. Callum’s too far or he’d probably be doing the same thing. Scarlett gives me a side squeeze and Ruby grins at me next to Callum.
“It feels like forever since we’ve seen you,” Ruby says.
“I know. For me too,” I say.
“Is Tracy gone?” Wyatt asks.
“Yes. And it could not be soon enough. I’m so glad you guys got to hang out with Felicity though. If I could’ve escaped, I would have, trust me.”
“Why did she come so early?” Scarlett asks.
I shake my head. “I honestly don’t know. But I know I don’t want to talk about her right now.”
They laugh and Theo lifts his fist in the air.
“First one to the bottom buys everyone beer!” he says.
Sofie giggles and he frowns.
“Wait, I mean, last one…” he starts.