Page 88 of Stay

“What?” His brows crease. “No. Not at all.”

“It might be hard for her, seeing him interact so easily with me, especially if they don’t have that.”

“At this point, I don’t really care if it’s hard for her, but you could be right. And I don’t really mean that. I do care. Because I want more than anything for my son to have a healthy relationship with his mother. But she’s being unpredictable—I suggested we revisit the custody agreement if she’s not happy with it, but I don’t think she really wants that.”

I nod. “I’ll stay somewhere else while she’s here. It’ll be better for everyone involved.”

“It won’t be better for me.” He grips the steering wheel and stares at me.

“I’ll be back. Figure things out with her and let me know when I’m needed around here again. I can be here whenever you need.”

He sighs. “I hate this.”

“Owen is the priority. It’s important that you work things out with her and that he’s at peace with all of it.”

“You’re right. Thanks for listening. I miss you.”

“I miss you too.” My lips lift in a smile and his eyes are so sad when he looks at me, but he smiles back.

He pulls away and I follow him, but when he turns to go to the courthouse, I go toward the lodge. I’d rather stay close in case Sutton and Owen need me than be an hour and a half away in Silver Hills. The parking lot is packed and it’s probably a longshot that they have a room available, but I go inside and wait in line at the reservation desk.

“Felicity? Hey, what are you doing standing in line?” Scarlett says, walking toward me. “Everything okay?”

“You wouldn’t have a room available, would you?” I look around, taking in all the people. “Looks pretty full.”

“There’s a condo that we try to keep open for family and friends, and you definitely qualify as that,” she says, smiling warmly. “Come back to my office. I can get you set up back there.”

We walk past the counter and through the door, going down a long hallway until we reach her office. It’s beautiful, and the only thing out of place are the rubber toys lying on the floor.

“Ignore the dog toys. My dogs were here earlier and they can’t stand to leave the toys in the basket.” She laughs, motioning for me to sit down.

“Owen talks about your dogs all the time. I can’t wait to see them.”

“I can’t believe you haven’t already. Owen’s been so busy with hockey that he hasn’t come over as much. Now that he’s done for a little bit, maybe the two of you could come over soon.”

“I’d like that.” I nod.

She taps on the computer keyboard for a minute. “Okay, yes, the condo’s cleaned and ready to go.”

“Great.” I take out my credit card and slide it over to her.

She looks at me like I’ve just put mud on her desk. “You’re not paying.”

“Yes, I am! I didn’t come here to get a freebie!” I put my hand on my cheek to cool off my burning cheeks.

“Don’t be silly. That’s the perks of taking such good care of my nephew and brother.” She hands me the key card. “Do I need to kill said brother?”

“What? No. What do you mean?”

“Well, there’s a reason you don’t want to stay there. I’m just seeing if it’s because my brother’s being difficult.”

“Oh.No, not at all.” I take a deep breath and slowly let it out. “Tracy’s in town.”

“Ahhh.” She shakes her head, her eyes narrowing. “Enough said.”