Page 83 of Stay

“That’s not what I’m saying. You showed up before you were scheduled to be, and you were rude to Felicity, someone who takes such good care of our son. You owe her your kindness for that alone.”

“Work sent me here for a few days, and I would think you’d want me to spend all the time I can with him. You’re always harping on me for not spending enough time with him.”

“Next time, call before the morning of.”

“I want to take him home with me this weekend.”

I run my hands through my hair. “Tracy, we’ve talked about this. He’s not ready for that. We need to ease him into it.”

“Of course he doesn’t want to leave when he has a playmate who makes him fancy lunches and does whatever he wants. I look like the bad guy here, wanting him to spend time where I’m living now, and I’m his mother. He should be withme.”

“Where is this coming from?” I ask. “You’re seeing him every other weekend like you have been for a long time now, minus this past month when you’re getting settled in Arizona. All of a sudden, you want to see him more? Insist on changing his routine when I’ve asked you to give him time?”

“I don’t know anyone there, okay? It’s been an adjustment.” She stands up and moves toward me, and if I weren’t against the island, I’d back up.

When she gets within a foot of me and reaches out to touch me, I lift my hand, stopping her.

“Sutton, I miss you. I miss us. I’m so…lonely,” she says, her lips trembling.

I shake my head. “Don’t do this,” I say, moving past her when I hear Owen coming down the stairs.

“Have dinner with us tonight?” she asks.

“I’ll let you two have this time together,” I say.

She swallows and looks at me, tears about to spill over. If I didn’t know her so well, I’d be sympathetic to her sadness, but she tries to play me, in one way or another, every damn time.

“Do you have everything, son?” I ask.

He’s putting his arms through his backpack straps and nods. “I put my lunch in my bag already.”

“Good deal. Why don’t you go ahead and get in your mom’s car?”

“Okay. Bye, Dad.” He hugs me and I bend down to kiss the top of his head.

“I love you,” I say.

“Love you too.” He smiles up at me and then he’s out the door.

“We need to finish this discussion before you say anything to Owen,” I say.

“It’d save you a trip flying if he just came home with me now,” she argues.

“He’s not missing school, Tracy. Just stay here and be with him this weekend like you’d planned. I’m talking to him a lot about coming to see you. He’s not ready. Do you want him to go and be difficult and miserable? Or can you be patient and work on convincing him he’ll love being there?”

“He doesn’t have to love it.” She shrugs.

I count to ten and take a deep breath. “I’ve wanted to avoid this, but you’re backing me into a corner. If you want to change our custody agreement, get a lawyer, and we’ll discuss it in court.”

“You know I can’t afford that!” she cries.

“I’ll loan you the moneyandrefer you to a good lawyer.” I grab my jacket and bag and open the door, motioning for her to go ahead. “If you truly want Owen more often and in your new state, let’s at least get a mediator.”

She opens her mouth and then closes it, eyes flashing as she walks out.

That’s what I thought.

During my lunch break, I call Felicity.