Page 82 of Stay

“Tracy will be taking Owen to school this morning,” he says.

“Okay. Sounds good. I’ll just finish cleaning real quick and then be out of here.”

“Leave it. I need to talk to Tracy before they leave for school.”

“Oh. Right. Got it.” I practically fly to the door and slip my boots on, grabbing my coat as an afterthought. “Have a good day, you guys.”

It’s not until later, after I’ve cried and gotten angry and then calmed down, that I check my messages. There are a few from last night and this morning.


Heyyy, come back.


Sorry, if you’re still talking to Weston…

And later…


Owen is in bed. I can’t stop thinking about you. Would I be a needy bastard if I said I need a kiss goodnight?

And then this morning…


Tracy’s in town. She wasn’t supposed to be here until the weekend. I’ll take care of everything this morning and keep you posted about the rest of the day. Thanks, Felicity.

Shit. I went through all that for nothing.

No, I take it back. Owen’s sweet face smiling up at me flashes through my mind.

I’d do anything for that kid.




I look out the window briefly, sad to see Felicity go. I was worried last night when I didn’t hear from her.

Maybe I’d been too rough. Maybe I’d scared her off. Maybe she didn’t want this after all.

But she must’ve not seen my messages because she showed up when I said she didn’t have to, barreling inside in a mad dash, apologizing. She looked even younger than her age, with her hair piled on top of her head and no makeup. She tolerated Tracy’s bullshit with dignity and brightened Owen’s smile just by being here. Dammit, if that didn’t make her even more beautiful in my eyes.

I live for those fucking lunches. They’re the highlight of my day, seeing what she’s going to come up with next. I haven’t told her enough how much I appreciate the care she puts into every detail, but I’ll make sure I do from now on.

“You were out of line,” I say, turning to face Tracy.

I move to the island and lean against it.

“Oh, whatever. You try coming in and seeing your husband and son playing house with a pretty young thing,” she says, rolling her eyes.

“Ex-husband. She’s not a thing, her name is Felicity, use it. And we’re not playing house. She’s doing a damn good job helping with Owen. Why are you being so petty? I’ve been nothing but kind to every guy you’ve dated and especially to Jeff the entire time you weremarried.”

“So, thereissomething going on with the girl. Is she even legal?” she snaps.