Page 72 of Stay

I should’ve asked sooner, but this all worked out at the last minute. I’m taking Dakota to Sunny Side for a burger and shakes. Would Owen like to go too?

I’m sure he would. I’ll call Felicity to make sure that works and she’ll call you.


Okay, my boy. Love you.

I love you too, Grinny.

I don’t hesitate to call Felicity, and she’s in the middle of laughing when she answers. I can hear Owen in the background chatting away and it makes me happy hearing the two of them.

“Hey,” she says.

“Hey. Sounds like you’re having fun over there…”

“We are. We built a snowman and are standing by the fire trying to get our hands warm.”

“Thanks for being so great with him,” I say.

“Of course. He makes it so easy. I’ve never known such an amazing kid,” she says.

I swallow, unable to put into words how much it means to hear her say that. My voice is hoarse when I speak again. “Uh,Grinny called and has Dakota. She wondered if Owen would like to go to Sunny Side with them.”

“Oh, let me ask.” She puts her mouth away from the phone and I hear them talking. He asks if she can go too and she tells him she needs to finish making dinner. He says something else I can’t make out and she comes back on the line. “Okay, he’s in.”

“You don’t need to miss out because of dinner,” I tell her. “Especially if he won’t even be around.”

“I’ve already started. We can always save it for tomorrow night, but I should finish what I started here.”

“Okay. Sorry to mess up the plans so late in the day.”

“Don’t be. It happens. This is fun. He’ll have a good time.”

“All right. Would you mind calling Grinny and letting her know?”

“I’ll call her right away.”

“Thanks, Felicity.”

“You’re welcome, Sutton,” she says, matching my tone.

We hang up and I head out, walking past Miss Eleanor who is also about to leave for the day. Her cheeks turn pink when she sees me. I guess we’re not over the panty incident yet.

Before, I would’ve been concerned about how this could affect my job, but at least I know with Miss Eleanor, it’s not going beyond these four walls. But even imagining it happening anywhere else where it could have royally backfired, I start to laugh, the levity of the situation far outweighing the possible pitfalls.

She almost makes me want to throw caution to the wind and not care who knows about us.





Sutton comes in while Owen’s still home, and he smiles at me over Grinny’s shoulder as he hugs her.

“That chili smells delicious,” Grinny says. “Oh, you made cornbread too? My goodness. My boys are eating like kings over here.”