Page 60 of Stay




I’m invited to get pizza afterwards numerous times, but with Sutton’s deer-in-the-headlights look after he heard the insinuations from Jill and Lisa about me and him, I didn’t want to add to his stress. I already yelled at one of the parents. I think I’ve done enough for the night.

Owen was ecstatic about their win, and I’m afraid I might’ve disappointed him by not going out with them, but I think he and Sutton needed a night together.

The truth is, I didn’t want to add to the gossip by showing up.

And I’m trying to make up for how I acted at the game by making a cake while they’re gone.

Both Sutton and Owen are obsessed with peanut butter. I’ve never seen two people love it more, and I have a moderate addiction to it myself. So I decide to make them the chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting that Weston always wants me to make for him. I’ve made it as a sheet cake and a three-layer cake, but tonight I use my trusted Bundt pan that my grandma gave me. It never fails me. But it’s really all about the peanut butter frosting.

I’m interrupted by my phone buzzing and turn to see who it is. Olivia. My nerves kick up a notch before I’ve even read it.


Seems like you’re getting along great with your boss. I didn’t know football games with an employee were the perks of being a judge!

I roll my eyes and toss my phone aside, choosing to ignore her.

I’m just frosting the cake when I see the headlights shining down the long driveway, and I hurry, trying to finish before they come inside. I place the cake on the island where theYou did it!helium balloons I bought before the game are sitting. I added a weighted bag at the bottom, making them the length I wanted and then added little plastic hockey sticks and ribbon around it. Right before they walk through the door, I wash my hands and try not to fidget. I’d hoped I could just leave the cake for them and be gone by the time they got home, but…didn’t happen.

“Surprise!” I say, waving my hands in the air.

Owen bounds toward me. “What’s this?” He gasps when he sees the cake. “When did you get that?”

“I made it while you guys got pizza.”

“Youmadeit?” He throws his arms around my waist and squeezes. “Thank you, Felicity.”

“You’re welcome.” My eyes meet Sutton’s and his smile is sweet, but he’s quiet. “I hope it’s okay that I made a dessert. Did you guys have some already?” I laugh awkwardly.

“No, we didn’t,” Owen says. “Can I have some cake, Dad?”

“Of course.” Sutton hangs up his coat and takes Owen’s from him.

“Way to go tonight. You played such a great game,” I tell Owen. “You were amazing.”

“I think I played great because you were there and Aunt Scarlett and all the uncles and everyone,” he says happily.

He really is the sweetest. I cut a piece of cake and hand it to him.

“Would you like a piece, Sutton?”

“This is the best cake I’ve ever tasted,” Owen gushes in one breath. “Dad, it’s got peanut butter frosting!”

“I will definitely be having a piece then,” Sutton says.

He thanks me when I hand him a piece and then we listen to Owen rehash his favorite parts of the night. He’s animated and so happy that it’s hard to stop smiling. Sutton laughs in all the right places too, but he’s still quieter than usual. I can’t read his mood, so I just focus on Owen.

“I want this cake every holiday,” Owen says.

I laugh. “You sound like Weston.”

“He loves it too?” Owen asks. He’s fanning even more over Weston after seeing him play again last night.