Page 59 of Stay

“He’s had it coming. I’m so glad you said something,” she says. “I haven’t met you yet, but I’ve seen you around town and in the school line. I’m Jill.” She holds out her hand and Felicity shakes it.

“I’m Felicity,” Felicity says, giving her a friendly smile before turning back to the game.

Jill looks at me and brightens.

“Hey, Sutton,” Jill’s voice turns flirty and Felicity turns to look at her again, her eyes widening.

She glances at me and I swallow uncomfortably. Some of the moms, single and otherwise, are often forward. The single ones though, like Jill, damn…they can be relentless at times.

“Hi, Jill. Dougie’s looking good out there.”

“Thank you. Owen is killing it. He’s made all the goals tonight,” she says excitedly. She leans in and her breasts touch my arm. I take a step back. “Maybe we could have them skate together while they’re off the next couple of weeks.”

“I’ve been bringing Owen to skate a few afternoons a week,” Felicity jumps in when I don’t say anything. “I could give you my number and let you know when we’re going to be here.”

“Oh.” Jill’s head tilts. She looks between Felicity and me, and I can see her wheels turning. “Now I know where I’ve heard your name.” Her eyes are shrewd now as she assesses Felicity. “Sunny Side.”

Shit. I haven’t done anything but takeout from Sunny Side for a while, and there’s a good reason for that. The bets that take place in this town are both comical and a huge nuisance. I don’t want to even think about what they’re betting on over there right now. It seems like there’s always one about me going, whether I’m in there or not. They make jokes about it at the courthouse all the time.

“Don’t believe everything you hear,” Felicity says.

Her tone is sweet but sharp enough that Jill gets the point.

But she can’t seem to leave well enough alone.

“So, you’re the…nanny?” she asks, looking back and forth between Felicity and me again.

I want nothing more than to walk away from this conversation, but I don’t want to leave Felicity alone to deal with the sharks. It’s a good thing I don’t because Lisa, who makes Jill look tame, walks up then.

“Sutton,” she coos, running her hand up and down my arm. “We missed you at the fundraiser this weekend.”

I cross my arms so her hand drops, and I take another step back. Felicity watches with a somewhat hostile expression—probably still fired up from her confrontation with Lance.

“I heard it went great,” I say. “New uniforms for next season.”

“Thanks to you,” Lisa gushes.

“Thanks to Blake and Camilla Gamble,” I correct. “Tiptop has generously covered the uniforms and then some.”

“Well, I’m sure you had something to do with that.” She winks. “I know you’re close with them. I heard Gwyneth is in town,” she says and then she acts like she’s just now seeing Felicity. “Hey, I’m Lisa, and you are?”


Lisa’s eyes roam up and down Felicity and when she looks back at me, she lifts an eyebrow. “Has Tracy met her yet?”

I frown. “Why do you ask?”

She gives me a knowing smirk. “Because I can only imagine how that went over.” She throws her head back and laughs. “Look at you, Sutton Landmark, finally living on the edge.” She winks again. “Ilikeit. Call me if you want toexplorethat dangerous side.”

My eyes narrow and she just grins and walks away.

Felicity points her thumb over her shoulder. “I’m gonna go sit down now.”

I nod and watch the game from where I’m standing, my mind whirling.

The rumors have already started.

Just fucking great.