Page 58 of Stay

“Who the fuck are you?” Lance yells back.

“I’m Felicity Shaw, and I’m—” She holds her sign up in his face.

“Ah, figures you’d be with the Landmarks,” he sneers.

“Lance, you really want to act like this at your kid’s hockey game?” Wyatt asks, moving next to Felicity.

Callum moves to the other side of her and Theo is behind her, all of them looming over Lance.

Lance groans and covers his face. “He should’ve been paying attention, so he didn’t cross the line before the puck,” he says, softer this time.

Callum growls at him and Lance looks terrified. He holds both hands up like he’s backing down.

“It’s agame,” Theo says. “And they’re freaking eight years old. They’re still learning.”

I move between people until I reach them and stare Lance down. He looks at me and rolls his eyes, cursing under his breath.

“Do we need to take this outside, Lance?” I ask.

“No, I’m good,” he grumbles. He starts to walk away and then turns to look back. “You freaking Landmarks don’t think your shit stinks, but you’re no better than anyone else here.”

“I assure you, we all know our shit stinks,” Wyatt says, and I hear Theo snort behind him.

“Speak for yourself, brother,” he says.

Felicity’s eyes meet mine and she still looks like she’s about ready to explode.

“Can we please act like civil adults and watch this game?” I ask Lance, exaggeratedly pointing out to the rink.

He doesn’t say anything, just shakes his head and walks away. Marlow and Ruby are closest and check in with Felicity to make sure she’s okay. When I move toward her, they go back and sit down and Felicity looks at me with concern.

“I’m sorry,” she says, her voice low.

“Why areyousorry?” I frown.

“Your reputation is important to you and I just made you look bad, getting all up in that guy’s face. He just made me so mad,” she says between gritted teeth. “Here I was talking last night about how I’m all for peace,” she groans, shaking her head, “but he was being awful and when he went there one last time with that assholery, I couldn’t take it.”

She looks so upset that I feel bad for almost laughing, but she sees me holding back my smile.

“What?” she says, the crease between her brows deepening.

I want to reach out and smooth it away.

“Thank you for standing up for Owen,” I tell her.

“That was so badass.” Scarlett leans on my shoulder for a second and beams at Felicity. “I was about to get in his face myself and you took care of it before I’d even gotten out of the bleachers.”

Felicity makes a face and laughs, and someone calls Scarlett and she’s off again.

“I’ve never felt that level of anger,” Felicity tells me. “If that’s what it means to go all Mama Bear, I guess I was there.” Her eyes fly to mine and her mouth parts. “I-no, that’s not what I meant. I don’t think I’m…I know I’m not…”

I lean in a little closer. “I didn’t take it in any kind of negative way,” I tell her. “I appreciate you being protective of him. He needs all of that he can get. I also want you to be careful, confronting people like Lance…especially when my brothers and I aren’t around.”

“I can handle myself,” she says, her teeth sliding over her bottom lip for the briefest second.

I have to look away. We watch them play, and they’re doing great. Eventually, I glance around and Lance has moved away from all of the parents, looking sulky. The kids play better than ever.

Owen scores and we all go crazy. Jill, Dougie’s mom comes over and thanks Felicity for putting Lance in his place.