Page 56 of Stay

Ruby laughs. “A day in the life.” She winks at me. “It’s a fun one.”

Her eyes track Callum and I pet the cow that walks over.

“So, how are you adjusting to Landmark Mountain?” she asks.

“I love it.”

“And what about you and Sutton?”

“What about us?” My voice sounds sharper than I intended and I shoot her an apologetic look.

“Oh, I just meant, has it been easy working for him? Is it weird living there too, or are you comfortable? I know how it was when I ended up here, alone with Callum in that house. It was incredible, but…a lot. Those Landmark brothers—they are a sexy breed,” she says, fanning her face.

I laugh and I’m certain my cheeks flush, but hopefully she’ll think it’s because we’re out in the cold.

“They sure are.”

Especially the one I happen to be living with, I think to myself.

“Not that I’m insinuating you’re interested in Sutton like that,” she says. “I don’t even know—maybe you have a boyfriend?”

“No. No boyfriend.” I smile.

“Well, if you ever need space to breathe, I’m here.” She laughs, and I relax.

“I’ll probably be taking you up on that,” I tell her. “I’m glad for my place over the garage. It’s nice to have a separate place to go, and it’s cute and cozy. For the most part, things have gone okay with Sutton. He’s?—”

It’s a good thing Sofie shows up then because I don’t know how far I would’ve divulged. Ruby is easy to talk to, and I can tell Sofie is too, so I need to keep the subject off of Sutton and me.

“I’m so glad you’re here too, Felicity,” Sofie says. “I’ve been wanting to come over and see about you, but I was hesitant to just drop by. Now that we’re talking about it though…I just might do it sometime.” She laughs. “I’ll text first to see if it’s a good time.”

“I’m pretty open right now. And I didn’t give Ruby much warning today,” I say, making a face.

“You’re welcome anytime,” Ruby says. “And I promise I won’t make you stay outside the entire time if you don’t want to. You can come in and have a hot tea or hot chocolate...”

“That goes for my place too,” Sofie says, smiling at Dolly before she pets her. “And Marlow and Scarlett would say the same even though they’re not home as much during the day. As for me, I don’t get out enough, so going to the game last night was great. And they’re going to the Super Bowl!” She raises her fist in the air.

“It hasn’t fully registered yet!” I shake my head. “Weston has dreamed of that for as long as I can remember. It was so fun having all of you there. I’ve loved being able to go to the games since being home from school. It’s usually just me and my parents, sometimes my sister. Olivia and I don’t exactly get along,” I add. “Having backup was nice.”

“I thought I was maybe picking up on that,” Sofie says, crinkling her nose.

I laugh. “Yeah, she’s sometimes a bit of a shit-stirrer.” I make a face back. “I was mortified when she told me what she said about the Landmark Mountain courthouse.”

Sofie waves her hand. “Don’t worry about it. We’re all thick-skinned around here, and the courthouse could use an update. She’s not lying.” She laughs.

“Speaking of court—you’re going to be a lawyer?” Ruby asks. “Your dad said something about you going to law school in the fall, and I hadn’t realized that was your plan. That’s amazing. We’ll miss you though.”

I groan. “That’s what my parents are expecting of me, but it’s not what I’m planning to do. I just haven’t found a way to tell them yet.”

“Oh,” Ruby says. “Ugh. That sounds stressful. If you need to talk any of that out with us, feel free. Sofie and I…and Scarlett and Marlow too…we’re huge advocates in doing what you love. I have nightmares sometimes about what would’ve happened if I hadn’t gotten out of what was expected of me. I’d be living an entirely different life right now. A miserable life.”

“Me too,” Sofie says emphatically. “Neither of us would be here right now, married to the loves of our lives and with jobs we’re passionate about.”

“How did you know what you wanted to do?” I ask. “Which future to pursue?”

“What areyoupassionate about?” Ruby asks.

I bite the inside of my cheek. “That’s been hard to figure out. I was good in school, and I could be a good lawyer, a great one even. But the thought of doing that filled me with such anxiety, I know I’d be miserable. The only thing I’m passionate about is organization and planning.” I roll my eyes and laugh. “And what kind of career could I possibly do with that?”